Helix Swarm Guide

This guide tells you how to use Helix Swarm for collaboration and code review for teams using Helix Core Server. It is intended for anyone using Swarm to perform code review tasks with Helix Core Server.

See these topics to get started:

New for Swarm 2023.4

Following is a summary of new information with links to the most prominent topics. For a complete list, see What's new.

Default Swarm review page enhancements

The Swarm review page (preview) is now the default review page

The Swarm Review page (preview) is now the default Swarm review page. The old review page is now referred to as the classic review page. The Swarm Classic view option will be removed in a future Swarm release. See Review display.

The side panels are now hidden by default

When opening the default review page for the first time, the file list panel and the information panel are hidden so it is easier to view the file diffs. See Review display.

Improved the Blocking Approval section in the Information panel

Once a review has been approved, the Blocking Approval section is hidden. If a new requirement is added to an approved review then it is displayed in the Blocking Commit section. See Blocking Approval or Blocking Commit.

Added a new Blocking commit section to the Information panel

Added a new Blocking Commit section in the Information panel for pre-commit reviews. If a review has been approved but not committed and a new requirement is added to the review, then it is displayed in the Blocking Commit section. See Blocking Approval or Blocking Commit.

Added an option to expand and collapse the review description

When the review description exceeds 25% of the page, the review description is truncated. Use the Expand description button to view the full review description. See Review description.

Added the ability to expand or collapse all files in a review

Added a new Expand all files or Collapse all files option in the Diff actions button. The Expand all files option is only displayed if all or at least one file is collapsed within a review. The Collapse all files option is only displayed if all files are expanded within a review. See Diff actions button.

Added a new flag in the configuration file

Added a new flag fetchContent to the max-size configurable in the SWARM_ROOT/data/config.php file. This flag determines if the size of a file is larger than the max_size value and enables or disables the show more context buttons in the File diff panel. See max_size configurable.

Added truncation of large files

All files larger than the max_size configurable value in the SWARM_ROOT/data/config.php file are truncated in the File diff panel. When a file is truncated a message is displayed in the File diff panel. See File diff panel.

Added an option to view the full context of a file

Added a button to the File content panel header that enables you to view the full context of a file. This button is only displayed for text files. See File content panel header.

Upcoming changes to SSO configuration

From the Swarm 2024.1 release, Helix Authentication Service (HAS) will be the only Single Sign-On (SSO) provider. This helps to simplify configuration and create a more robust SSO solution. The SAML configuration will be removed from Swarm in the next release.

3D model file type is not supported in the default review page

You can view the 3D model file types only in the classic view of the Swarm review page. Use Helix DAM, a digital asset management software solution by Perforce to view 3D model files. For more information about how to use Helix DAM, see Helix DAM User Guide.

Additional help

Helix Core Command-Line (P4) Guide

See the Helix Core Command-Line (P4) Guide for concepts and procedures for the command line client.

Helix Core Command-Line (P4) Reference

See p4 client (graph) in the Helix Core Command-Line (P4) Reference for help configuring Helix Core Server for building from mixed clients.

Helix Core Server Administrator Guide

See Helix Core Server Administrator Guide for information on installation, configuration, and management of Helix Core Server.

Helix Swarm Guide

For earlier versions of the Helix Swarm Guide.