How Delphi Improves Diesel Technology Quality With Helix QAC

Delphi Diesel Systems — an international division of Delphi Automotive Systems — is an industry leader in diesel technology. Their products include diesel injectors, EGR valves, electronic unit injectors (EUIs), and electronic unit pumps (EUPs). 

Quality is critical. And Delphi ensures software quality by using the MISRA standard and Helix QAC for C and C++.

Helix QAC Helps Delphi Diesel...


Improve Software Quality

Ensure Reliable Code


Automate Code Reviews

The quality and consistency of our code skyrocketed...

“Since we began using the Helix QAC and the MISRA compliance module, the quality and consistency of our first generation code has skyrocketed. Our final products have been virtually error-free.”


Syntax Checking Wasn't Enough...

Diesel engines are more than just hardware today. They incorporate diesel technology. And that technology enables high performance and longer lifetimes for the engines.

Diesel technology needs to be high quality. That's why Delphi Diesel adopted the MISRA standard early on. 

They ensured compliance with MISRA through manual code reviews and syntax checkers. But they were missing the most efficient and effective compliance tool — a static code analyzer

That's why they added Helix QAC


Delphi Added Helix QAC for Diesel Technology

Delphi Diesel chose Helix QAC and the MISRA C compliance module. 

Stuart Jobbins, Head of Software Development at Delphi Diesel, had used Helix QAC before in the defense industry. And he was familiar with Helix QAC's accuracy in enforcing the MISRA standard. Plus, Helix QAC has a strong reputation in the automotive industry. 

Delphi Diesel knew there would be software quality gains in using Helix QAC. And Helix QAC exceeded their expectations. 


Software Quality Skyrocketed

Delphi Diesel quickly saw dramatic improvements in "first-draft" software quality. 

Adding Helix QAC automated the code review process for the MISRA standard.

All software development engineers now produce code with consistent quality — regardless of their individual experience levels. So, a veteran of 25 years and a new software developer can achieve the same quality levels.

Helix QAC helps Delphi Diesel deliver reliable diesel engine components. As a result, Delphi Diesel has set themselves apart and increased global market share and leadership. 

“In terms of software code testing, I don’t believe there’s a better tool than Helix QAC out there."

— Stuart Jobbins, Delphi Diesel

Improve Software Quality with Helix QAC

See for yourself how Helix QAC will improve your software quality. 

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