New Features
- Sprint assignment: The "assign to original reporter/creator" option in a workflow works even if the reporter is not a member of the sprint.
- Sprint allocation: Added a sprint allocation bar for unassigned items and non-members, showing how much work is remaining but not assigned to any sprint member. Note: This change does not affect the sprint allocation measure in dashboards.
Fixed Bugs
48621 | No releases show when filtering a dashboard chart with a report using the Release Overdue criterion | Severity B |
5411 | Pipeline task is not connected if it is added after pipeline is set on an item | Severity C |
8121 | Add/edit hyperlinks in multi-line text fields is added at the end of field, or being converted to text | Severity C |
6886 | Nothing happens when trying to view an old pipeline in a project history snapshot | Severity D |
The Hansoft 10.2038 server is compatible with shares from versions 10.2011 and higher.