New features
- Mentions with notification. Mention a user in a comment with @Username to automatically send an email notification to that user. We have also improved the general look and feel of the comment related email notifications.
- Out of office visualization on delayed tasks. This shows when a task has been delayed due to the assignee being out of office during the task lifespan.
Fixed bugs
7467 | Server crash while shutting down the server | Severity A |
6879 | Crash when opening a dashboard page shared from a deleted user | Severity B |
7393 | A user that is delegated to another board, can reconfigure all board columns | Severity B |
7451 | SDK: 10.001 and 10.002 SDKs are incompatible with later SDK implementations | Severity B |
7460 | Copy/paste between projects can change the workflow for existing items | Severity B |
7118 | OS X: The text editor button "Remove hyperlink" is illegible when using dark theme | Severity D |
The Hansoft 10.0038 release comes with a new version of the SDK.
Due to bug 7451, versions 10.001 and 10.002 of the SDK have been deprecated and will no longer be able to connect to this and future versions of Hansoft.
Any SDK application using version 10.001 or 10.002 must be upgraded to use a newer SDK version.
- The Jira integration versions 10.0012, 10.0013 and 10.0014 must be upgraded to a newer version.
- The Helix Core integration versions 10.0006 and 10.0012 must be upgraded to a newer version.
The Hansoft 10.0038 server is compatible with shares from versions 10.0016 and higher.