Fixed bugs
7597 | Server crash due to incorrect order of board lanes in cache | Severity A |
7594 | The "Board column" and "Board lane" dimension filters and report criteria are empty | Severity B |
7603 | Client crash when pasting an item copied from a deleted project | Severity B |
7535 | Board lane and Board column are not updated in item details when changed from the list or from another client | Severity C |
7587 | Board lane and Board column are not updated in item details when the column or lane names are changed | Severity C |
7363 | After deleting a card in a board, item details for that card still shows in other clients having the same card selected | Severity D |
7509 | Moving a card to a column that is not mapped to a status, does not update "Last updated by" or "Last updated on" | Severity D |
7585 | The current project is not selected in the "Projects" drop down when opened from the board view | Severity D |
The Hansoft 10.0063 server is compatible with shares from versions 10.0043 and higher.