Most organizations no longer need to be convinced of the benefits gained by adopting Agile practices.
However, many now struggle to balance how Agile teams work with the planning and management needs of the wider organization.
Only by managing both sets of needs in the same tool is it possible to achieve the holy grail of a real-time end-to-end view of what is going on from the top to bottom of your organization.
At Perforce, we believe the best process is yours — Agile, waterfall, v-model, spiral, or any combination. Chances are your model is a hybrid with some degree of Agile.
6 Steps for Scaling Agile
- Kanban feature flows.
- Traditional portfolio scoring.
- The roadmap document.
- Feature user story breakdown.
- User story backlog ranking.
- Traditional sprints and tasks.
Then, see for yourself how tools such as Helix ALM (formerly TestTrack) make it easy to scale Agile development.