Construct Your Defense in Depth Strategy
To create defense in depth, you’ll need to construct layers that prevent, detect, and respond to threats. These layers provide necessary redundancy for security.
If a particular security control fails or a vulnerability is exploited, you’ll know that you have backup defenses in place. Helix Core — the world's most securable version control system — helps you enhance your existing security infrastructure.
1. Control Network Access to Your Infrastructure
Avoid version control becoming a doorway to your valuable intellectual property by configuring it with security in mind.
Helix Core fits into your existing security setup — whether it’s deployed on-premises, in the cloud, or both. And along with cloud and network security tools, you can configure Helix Core to:
- Implement TLS between clients and replicas to secure assets in transit.
- Set a unique port for your server, making it harder for intruders to get in.
- Time out user access tickets.