Bug Fixes
#1429825 (Bug #88071) ** 'p4 protect' command will now reject invocation from the P4Admin tool if (new to 2016.1) '##' comments have been added to the protection table.
#1423363 (Bug #87945) ** Correct Abort Retry Ignore message from 3rd party memory manager on the Linux platform.
#1417623 (Bug #87802) ** The very first 'fetch -t' command issued against a server will auto-create the 'tangent' depot in that server. Subsequent commands issued by that same network session would get errors if they referred to the tangent depot.
#1416148 (Bug #69001) ** 'p4 license' may now be used to install a new license when the server is unlicensed or the license has expired. The following commands are also allowed when running with an expired license: 'p4 login', 'p4 admin stop' and 'p4 admin restart'.
#1413722 (Bug #87676) ** Performance for parallel 'p4 submit' through an edge server has been improved by batching file transfers and reducing the contention on the database transfer table.
#1412767 (Bug #87638) * The 'p4 init' command would write a small number of journal records to the end of the file specified by P4JOURNAL, if set. The local server initialization is now performed with -J off.