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p4 change


Create or edit a changelist specification


p4 [g-opts] change [-f] [changelist#]
p4 [g-opts] change -d [-f] changelist#
p4 [g-opts] change -o [changelist#]
p4 [g-opts] change -i [-f]


When files are opened with p4 add, p4 delete, p4 edit, or p4 integrate, the files are listed in a changelist. Edits to the files are kept in the local client workspace until the changelist is sent to the depot with p4 submit. By default, files are opened within the default changelist, but multiple changelists can be created and edited with the p4 change command.

p4 change brings up a form for editing or viewing in the editor defined by the environment or registry variable P4EDITOR. When no arguments are provided, this command will create a new, numbered changelist. Changelist numbers are assigned in sequence, Perforce may renumber changelists automatically on submission in order to keep the numeric order of submitted changelists identical to the chronological order.

p4 change changelist# can be used to edit the description of a pending changelist, and may be used to view the fields of a submitted changelist.

The default changelist will be assigned a number if p4 submit of the changelist fails. The changelist must be referred to by number from that point forward.

Form Fields

Field Name



Contains the change number if editing an existing changelist, or new if creating a new changelist.



Name of current client workspace.



Name of current Perforce user.


Read-only value

pending, submitted, or new. Not editable by the user. The status is new when the changelist is created, pending when it has been created but has not yet been submitted to the depot with p4 submit, and submitted when its contents have been stored in the depot with p4 submit.



Textual description of changelist. This value must be changed before submission, and cannot be changed after submission except by the Perforce superuser.



A list of jobs that are fixed by this changelist. The list of jobs that appears when the form is first displayed is controlled by the p4 user form's JobView: setting. Jobs may be deleted from or added to this list.



The list of files being submitted in this changelist. Files may be deleted from this list, and files that are found in the default changelist can be added.



Delete the changelist. This is usually allowed only with pending changelists that contain no files, but the superuser can delete changelists under other circumstances with the addition of the -f flag.


Force flag. Allows the description of a submitted changelist to be edited. Available only to Perforce superusers.

-f -d

Forcibly delete a previously-submitted changelist. Only the Perforce superuser can use this command, and the changelist must have had all its files removed from the system with p4 obliterate.


Write a changelist description to standard output.


Read a changelist description from standard input. Input must be in the same format as that used by the p4 change form.


See the Global Options section.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use
Revision Specifier?

Can File Arguments Use
Revision Range?

Minimal Access Level Required





p4 change

Create a new changelist.

p4 change -f 25

Edit previously-submitted changelist 25. Superuser access is required.

p4 change -d 29

Delete changelist 29. This will succeed only if changelist 29 is pending and contains no files.

Related Commands

To submit a changelist to the depot

p4 submit

To move a file from one changelist to another

p4 reopen

To remove a file from all pending changelists

p4 revert

To list changelists meeting particular criteria

p4 changes

To list opened files

p4 opened

To list fixes linked to particular changelists

p4 fixes

To link a job to a a particular changelist

p4 fix

To remove a job from a particular changelist

p4 fix -d

To list all the files listed in a changelist

p4 opened -c changelist#

To obtain a description of files changed in a changelist

p4 describe changelist#

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Last updated: 10/10/00