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p4 groups

p4 group


Add or delete users from a group; set the maxresults value for the members of that group


p4 [g-opts] group groupname
p4 [g-opts] group -d groupname
p4 [g-opts] group -o groupname
p4 [g-opts] group -i


A group is a list of Perforce users. Groups have two purposes:

To delete a group, use p4 group -d groupname, or call p4 group groupname and remove all the users from the resulting form.

Form Fields

Field Name



The name of the group, as entered on the command line.



The maximum number of results that members of this group can access from the server from a single command. The default value is unlimited. See the Usage Notes, below, for more details.



The Perforce usernames of the group members.



Names of other Perforce groups.

To add all users in a previously-defined group to the group you're presently working with, include the group name in the Subgroups: field of the p4 group form. User and group names occupy separate namespaces; thus, groups and users can have the same names.

Every member of any previously-defined group you list in the Subgroups: field will be a member of the group you're now defining.


-d groupname

Delete group groupname. The members of the group are affected only if their access level or maxresults value changes as a result of the group's deletion.


Read the form from standard input without invoking the user's editor. The new group specification will replace the previous one.


Write the form to standard output without invoking the user's editor.


See the Global Options section.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use
Revision Specifier?

Can File Arguments Use
Revision Range?

Minimal Access Level Required




The Perforce superuser can limit the amount of data that the server is allowed to return to the client by setting the maxresults value for groups of users. If the maxresults value is violated, the server request will fail and the user will be asked to limit his query.

If a user belongs to multiple groups, the server computes her maxresults value to be the maximum of the maxresults for all the groups of which the user is a member (ignoring any maxresults still at the default value of unlimited). If a particular user is not in any groups, her maxresults value is unlimited.

The speed of most server hardware should make it unnecessary to ever set a maxresults value below 10,000.

The commands that are affected by the maxresults value are:

Counted Entity
How Affected Users
Can Reduce Command Output

p4 changes


Using p4 changes -m numchanges.

p4 changes files

file revisions

Use a more restrictive file pattern on the command line.

p4 diff2


Use a more restrictive file pattern on the command line.

p4 filelog

file revisions

Use a more restrictive file pattern on the command line.

p4 files


Use a more restrictive file pattern on the command line.

p4 fixes


The -c changenum or -j jobname flags will restrict this command appropriately

p4 fixes files


Use a more restrictive file pattern on the command line.

p4 integrate


Use a more restrictive file pattern on the command line.

p4 integrated

file revisions

Use a more restrictive file pattern on the command line.

p4 jobs


The -e jobquery flag will restrict the output to those jobs that meet particular criteria.

p4 jobs files

file revisions

Use a more restrictive file pattern on the command line.

p4 labelsync


Use a more restrictive file pattern and the -a flag to build the label's file set in pieces.

p4 print


Use a more restrictive file pattern on the command line.

p4 sync

files, as mapped through client view

Use a more restrictive file pattern on the command line.

Related Commands

To modify users' access levels

p4 protect

To view a list of existing groups

p4 groups

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p4 groups
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Copyright 1997, 2000 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
Last updated: 10/10/00