Perforce 2000.2 Command Reference (
p4 review
List all submitted changelists above a provided changelist number
p4 [g-opts] review [-c changelist#] [-t countername]
p4 review -c changelist# provides a list of all submitted changelists between changelist# and the highest-numbered submitted changelist. Each line in the listing has this format:
Change changelist# username <email-addr> (realname)
The username, email-addr, and realname are taken from the p4 user form for username whenever p4 review is executed.
When used as p4 review -t countername, all submitted changelists above the value of the Perforce counter variable countername will be listed. (Counters are set by p4 counter). When used with no arguments, p4 review lists all submitted changelists.
The p4 review command is meant for use in external programs that call Perforce. The Perforce change review daemon, which is described in the Perforce System Administrator's Guide, and is available from our Web site, uses p4 review.
-c changelist#
List all submitted changelists above and including changelist#.
-t countername
List all submitted changelists above and including the value of the Perforce counter countername.
-c changelist# -t countername
Set the value of counter countername to changelist#. This command has been replaced by p4 counter, but has been maintained for backwards compatibility.
See the Global Options section.
Usage Notes
Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier?
Can File Arguments Use Revision Range?
Minimal Access Level Required
- The commands p4 review, p4 reviews, and p4 counter are all intended for use by external programs that call Perforce. p4 review and p4 reviews are strange animals; they're used by our own review daemon (available at our Web site), but it's hard to imagine other uses for them .
- The warnings applicable to p4 counter apply here as well.
Related Commands
To list users who have subscribed to review particular files
p4 reviews
To set or read the value of a Perforce counter
p4 counter
To see full information about a particular changelist
p4 describe
To see a list of all changelists, limited by particular criteria
p4 changes
Perforce 2000.2 Command Reference (
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Copyright 1997, 2000 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
Last updated: 12/21/00