Perforce 2002.1 P4Win Help in Print
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Using the P4Win Interface

About This Manual

About Perforce

Perforce is a software configuration management tool you can use to manage source files and other documents, such as multiple revisions of a manual, Web pages, or operating system administration files. The files managed by Perforce reside in a depot. To work on files, you open the files and edit them in your client workspace. When you're done, you submit changed files to the depot using a changelist. The depot keeps track of all the current and previous revisions of a file.

Perforce uses a client/server architecture. Perforce client applications, which include P4Win and the Perforce command line interface, communicate with the Perforce server using TCP/IP.

Perforce includes the following features:

Getting started with Perforce

To start using Perforce, you need to:

P4Win cannot perform Perforce superuser commands. You must use the P4 command to perform the following operations:

For details, refer to the Perforce User's Guide.

Getting more help

For more information about using Perforce, consult the following sources:

If you cannot find the answers to your question in this help system, try these resources:

Please send any comments about Perforce technical documentation, including this help system, to [email protected].

Perforce 2002.1 P4Win Help in Print
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Perforce on the Web
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Using the P4Win Interface
Please send comments and questions about this manual to [email protected].
Copyright 2001-2002 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
Last updated: 04/03/02