Perforce 2002.2 Command Reference
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p4 delete


Open file(s) in a client workspace for deletion from the depot.


p4 [g-opts] delete [-c changelist#] file...


The p4 delete command opens file(s) in a client workspace for deletion from the depot. The files are immediately removed from the client workspace, but are not deleted from the depot until the corresponding changelist is sent to the server with p4 submit.

Although it will appear that a deleted file has been deleted from the depot, the file is never truly deleted, as older revisions of the same file are always accessible. Instead, a new head revision of the file is created which marks the file as being deleted. If p4 sync is used to bring the head revision of this file into another workspace, the file is deleted from that workspace.

A file that is open for deletion will not appear on the client's have list.


-c change#

Opens the files for delete within the specified changelist.

If this flag is not provided, the files are linked to the default changelist.


See the Global Options section.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use
Revision Specifier?

Can File Arguments Use
Revision Range?

Minimal Access Level Required





p4 delete //depot/README

Opens the file called README in the depot's top level directory for deletion. The corresponding file within the client workspace is immediately deleted, but the file is not deleted from the depot until the default changelist is submitted.

p4 delete -c 40 file

Opens file in the current client workspace for deletion. The file is immediately removed from the client workspace, but won't be deleted from the depot until changelist 40 is sent to the server with p4 submit.

Related Commands

To open a file for add

p4 add

To open a file for edit

p4 edit

To copy all open files to the depot

p4 submit

To read files from the depot into the client workspace

p4 sync

To create or edit a new changelist

p4 change

To list all opened files

p4 opened

To revert a file to its unopened state

p4 revert

To move an open file to a different changelist

p4 reopen

Perforce 2002.2 Command Reference
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p4 depot
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Copyright 1999-2003 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
Last updated: 02/25/03