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p4 diff

p4 describe


Provides information about a changelist and the changelist's files.


p4 [g-opts] describe [ -dflag -s ] changelist#


p4 describe displays the details of a changelist. The output includes the changelist number, the changelist's creator, the client workspace name, the date the changelist was created, and the changelist's description.

If the changelist has been submitted, the output also includes a list of affected files and the diffs of those files relative to the previous revision.

If the changelist is pending, it is flagged as such in the output, and the list of open files is shown. (Diffs for pending changelists are not displayed because the files have yet to be submitted to the server.)

You cannot run p4 describe on the default changelist.

While running p4 describe, the server uses Perforce's internal diff subroutine. The P4DIFF variable has no effect on this command.



Display a shortened output that excludes the files' diffs.


Runs the diff routine with one of a subset of the standard UNIX diff flags. See the Usage Notes below for a flag listing.


See the Global Options section.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use
Revision Specifier?

Can File Arguments Use
Revision Range?

Minimal Access Level Required



list for p4 describe -s

The diff flags supported by p4 describe are:










Related Commands

To view a list of changelists

p4 changes

To view a list of all opened files

p4 opened

To compare any two depot file revisions

p4 diff2

To compare a changed file in the client to a depot file revision

p4 diff

Perforce 2002.2 Command Reference
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p4 diff
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Copyright 1999-2003 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
Last updated: 02/25/03