Perforce 2002.2 Command Reference
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p4 dirs


List the immediate subdirectories of specified depot directories.


p4 [g-opts] dirs [-C -D -H] [-t type] depot_directory[revRange]...


Use p4 dirs to find the immediate subdirectories of any depot directories provided as arguments. Any directory argument must be provided in depot syntax and must end with the * wildcard. If you use the "..." wildcard, you will receive the wrong results!

p4 dirs only lists the immediate subdirectories of the directory arguments. To recursively list all of a directory's subdirectories, call p4 dirs multiple times.

By default, only subdirectories that contain at least one undeleted file will be returned. To include those subdirectories that contain only deleted files, use the -D flag.

This command is meant to be used in scripts that call Perforce; it is unlikely that you'll have a need to call it from the command line.



Display only those directories that are mapped through the current client workspace view.


Include subdirectories that contain only deleted files. By default, these directories are not displayed.


Include only those directories that contain files on the current client workspace's p4 have list.


See the Global Options section.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use
Revision Specifier?

Can File Arguments Use
Revision Range?

Minimal Access Level Required





p4 dirs //depot/projects/*

Returns a list of all the immediate subdirectories of //depot/projects.

p4 dirs //depot/a/* //depot/b/*

Returns a list of all immediate subdirectories of //depot/a and //depot/b.

p4 dirs //depot/...

The "..." wildcard is not supported by p4 dirs.

Related Commands

To list all the files that meet particular criteria

p4 files

To list all depots on the current Perforce server

p4 depots

Perforce 2002.2 Command Reference
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p4 edit
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Copyright 1999-2003 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
Last updated: 02/25/03