Perforce 2002.2 Command Reference
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p4 verify


Verify that the server archives are intact.


p4 [g-opts] verify [ -q -u -v ] file[revRange]...


p4 verify reports for each revision of the named files the revision specific information and an MD5 digest (fingerprint) of the revision's contents.

If invoked without arguments, p4 verify computes and displays the digest of each revision. If a revision is missing from the archive and therefore can't be reproduced, the revision's output line ends with MISSING!

To save MD5 fingerprints in the Perforce database, use p4 verify -u. Subsequent invocations of p4 verify compute checksums for the desired files and compare them against those stored by p4 verify -u. If the checksums differ, the output line for the corrupt file ends with BAD!

Once stored, a digest is not recomputed unless p4 verify -v flag is used to overwrite it. The -v flag is generally used only to update the saved digest of archive files which have been deliberately altered outside of Perforce control by a Perforce system administrator.



Run quietly; verify the integrity of files for which MD5 digests have previously been generated, and only display output if there are errors.


Store the MD5 digest of each file in the Perforce database if and only if no digest has been previously stored. Subsequent uses of p4 verify will compare the computed version against this stored version.


Store the MD5 digest of each file in the Perforce database, even if there's already a digest stored for that file, overwriting the existing digest.


See the Global Options section.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use
Revision Specifier?

Can File Arguments Use
Revision Range?

Minimal Access Level Required




Because subsequent verifications can only be performed against previously stored signatures, it is also good practice to regularly generate checksums with p4 verify -u.

For more about good administrative practices, see the Perforce System Administrator's Guide.

Perforce 2002.2 Command Reference
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Copyright 1999-2003 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
Last updated: 02/25/03