Perforce 2003.2 FTP Plug-in User's Guide
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Table of Contents

Preface: About This Manual

Why an FTP server?

Feedback on this guide

Chapter 1: Installing and Configuring P4FTP

System requirements

Product architecture

Installation and configuration
Downloading P4FTP
Choosing a port number
Starting P4FTP manually
(Optional) Configuring P4FTP to start automatically
Creating Perforce users and client specifications
Specifying a template for undefined client specifications
Using config files
Verifying your installation

Automatically syncing a Perforce client

P4FTP configuration options

P4FTP startup options

Configuring Macromedia Dreamweaver with P4FTP
Creating web sites
Sample configuration
Configuring file locking

Configuring HoTMetal PRO 6.0

Configuring Hot Dog Professional 6

Configuring AceHTML

Chapter 2: Troubleshooting P4FTP

Error messages
Cannot make connection to host
Cannot open remote folder
Can't clobber writable file
Error opening local file

Other questions
Why aren't my Dreamweaver files visible in Perforce?
I created a directory using FTP and it disappeared - why?
My command-line FTP client/Dreamweaver froze after connecting/prompting for P4FTP - why?

Using a command-line FTP client

Chapter 3: Perforce and FTP Differences

FTP differences
How files are managed on the client computer
How files are transferred
The pwd command
Supported FTP commands

Perforce differences
Changelist numbering
Changelist descriptions
Workspace management

Standards compliance and limitations


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Perforce programs and documents are available from our Web site as is. No warranty or support is provided. Warranties and support, along with higher capacity servers, are sold by Perforce Software.

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Perforce 2003.2 FTP Plug-in User's Guide
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Copyright 2001-2003 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
Last updated: 12/12/03