Perforce 2008.1 Command Reference
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p4 sizes


Display size information for files in the depot.


p4 [g-opts] sizes [ -a -s -b blocksize ] file[revRange] ...


The p4 sizes command displays the sizes of files stored in the depot. When called with no options, only the size of the head revision of the file or files is displayed. One line of output is provided per file.

Use the -a option to see how much space is occupied by each individual revision in the specified revision range, rather than just the highest revision in the specified range. One line of output is provided per file, per revision.

Use the -s option to obtain the sum of all files specified. Only one line of output is provided, showing the file specification, the number of files summarized, the total number of bytes required, and (if the -b option is provided) the total number of blocks required.



Include all revisions within the range, rather than just the highest revision in the range.

-b blocksize

Display results in blocks of blocksize bytes. Each accumulated file size is rounded up to the nearest blocksize bytes.


Calculate the sum of the file sizes for the specified file argument.


See the Global Options section.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use
Revision Specifier?

Can File Arguments Use
Revision Range?

Minimal Access Level Required





p4 sizes file.c

Show the size of the head revision of file.c in the depot.

p4 sizes -a file.c

Show the sizes of each revision of file.c stored in the depot.

p4 sizes -s -a file.c

Show the total size of all revisions of file.c stored in the depot.

p4 sizes -s -a -b 512 //depot/...

Show the number of files and the total diskspace (in bytes and 512-byte blocks) currently used by a Perforce Server hosting //depot/...

p4 sizes -s //workspace/...

Show the number of files and the total local diskspace (in bytes) required to sync the head revisions of files mapped to the client workspace named workspace.

Perforce 2008.1 Command Reference
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Copyright 1999-2008 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
Last updated: 07/08/08