You can link to Perforce depot information from within your own HTML documents by constructing URLs that direct P4Web to return specified data. Such URLs can be used in email, in web pages (static or CGI-generated), and in any context where URLs are useful. You can create scripts that construct such URLs and pass them to a Web browser, enabling users to display Perforce information without requiring them to install Perforce client applications on their computer. In constructing the URLs, use the same options and flags that you use on the command line.
Some simple examples:
Display the file //depot/main/atlas/readme.txt | http://myp4web:8080/depot/main/atlas/readme.txt |
List the files in //depot/main/atlas | http://myp4web:8080/depot/main/atlas/ |
Display the depot root for the server to which P4Web is connected | http://myp4web:8080/ |
List the executable files (files with a .exe extension) in a specified folder | http://myp4web:8080//depot/main/binaries/windows/*.exe |
Display a file as it appeared on a specified date | http://myp4web:8080//depot/www/sitemap.html@2004/1/1 |
P4Web uses a variety of other elements in the URLs that it constructs, but you can omit these elements in the URLs that you construct for your queries. The basic elements of URLs for P4Web are as follows.
Element |
Description |
http://p4webhostname:port/ | The P4Web server and port |
parameters | A list of arg=value pairs separated by “&”: arg=value[&arg=value] Parameters can be specified before or after the object. If you specify parameters before the object, delimit the parameters with "at" signs (@). If you specify parameters after the object, precede the list of parameters with a question mark (?). The parameter syntax is the standard format for URL queries. |
object | Depot file, spec name (for example, job, user, label, etc.), or a P4 command. If you omit the action code, the object is interpreted as a depot path specifying a file or folder. The parameter list can include an action code. |
ac=n | (optional) Action code, preceded by "?" (that is, formatted as GET data). Specify the action code in the list of parameters as described above. |
To specify a folder or file that resides in the Perforce server, use the following syntax:
where //depot_path/ specifies the file or folder and revision_specifier is a revision number, changelist number, label, or date in yyyy/mm/dd format. The depot path can be preceded by a single slash or the Perforce standard double slash.
To specify special-purpose characters in URLs, use the standard escape sequence %hex-value. You must escape the following special-purpose characters:
For example, to display a list of labels owned by user bruno, you can create a URL that includes the p4 labels command. The following URL uses the %20 escape sequence to specify the spaces required to separate the syntactic elements of the command:
The following table lists the action codes that are supported for P4Web URLs. There are no action codes for commands that require administrator privileges.
Type |
Description |
Action |
Branches |
Display view for a specified branch specification Example: http://myp4web:8080/talkhouse1.0?ac=14 |
14 |
Compare branched source and target files using a branch specification Example: http://myp4web:8080/talkhouse1.0?ac=126 |
126 | |
List branch specifications Example: http://myp4web:8080/?ac=82 |
82 | |
Changelists |
Display detail for specified changelist Example: http://myp4web:8080/799?ac=10
69 |
List all submitted changelists for specified path Example: http://myp4web:8080//depot/Talkhouse/rel1.0/?ac=43 |
43 | |
Display fixes for a specified changelist Example: http://myp4web:8080/799?ac=133 |
133 | |
Display submitted changelists containing specified file Example: http://myp4web:8080//depot/Jam/MAIN/src/ |
10 | |
Diffing |
Diff two file revisions Example: http://myp4web:8080//depot/main-dev/ or: http://myp4web:8080/@rev1=1&rev2=2@//depot/main-dev/ |
19 |
Files |
List files in specified path matching specified pattern (including wildcards) Example: http://myp4web:8080/@pat=*.java@//depot/Talkhouse/main-dev/?ac=30 |
30 |
Display file as plain text within an HTML document Example: http://myp4web:8080//depot/www/dev/index.html?ac=64 |
64 | |
Send file contents to browser as text/plain document Example: http://myp4web:8080//depot/www/dev/index.html?ac=18 |
18 | |
Display annotated file text Example: http://myp4web:8080//depot/www/dev/index.html?ac=193 |
193 | |
Display revision history Example: http://myp4web:8080//depot/main/ProjectX/Help/roadmap.html?ac=22 |
22 | |
Diff a file revision against the previous revision Example: http://myp4web:8080//depot/main-dev/ |
185 | |
Jobs |
Display a list of files and folders in specified path Example: http://myp4web:8080//depot/www/dev/?ac=83 |
83 |
List jobs Example: http://myp4web:8080//?ac=107 |
107 | |
Display job detail Example: http://myp4web:8080/job000018?ac=111 |
111 | |
Display changelists that fix a specified job Example: http://myp4web:8080/job000018?ac=135 |
135 | |
Display the job specification Example: http://myp4web:8080/?ac=130 |
130 | |
Labels |
List files in a specified label Example: http://myp4web:8080/jam-1.1.0?ac=118 |
118 |
List labels Example: http://myp4web:8080//?ac=77 |
77 | |
Display detail for a specified label Example: http://myp4web:8080/jam-1.1.0?ac=16 |
16 | |
List labels that contain files in a specified path Example: http://myp4web:8080//depot/www/dev/?ac=127 |
127 (or use 184 to omit links) |
Reporting |
Display file view of server positioned as specified (to //depot, in this example). Example: http://myp4web:8080//depot/?ac=71 |
71 |
Show status of specified file (same as ac=22 minus revision history) Example: http://myp4web:8080//depot/Jam/MAIN/src/ |
104 | |
List all open files (all workspaces). Be advised that this action code can return extremely large amounts of output. Example: http://myp4web:8080//?ac=62 |
62 | |
Run a p4 command, returning output as XML. Example: http://myhost:8080//p4%20info?ac=201 |
201 | |
Display server and P4Web version info Example: http://myp4web:8080//?ac=151 |
151 | |
Users |
Display details for specified user Example: http://myp4web:8080/bruno?ac=17 |
17 |
List users Example: http://myp4web:8080//?ac=81 |
81 |
P4Web uses a variety of parameters in the URLs it constructs. Many of the parameters are for internal use and are not relevant for scripting. To construct the precise URL for the information you seek, browse using P4Web until you have the desired results displayed, then copy the URL from the address bar and use it as the basis to construct your own URL. Commonly-used parameters are as follows.
Parameter |
Description |
&cd=path | Path to a folder |
&nx=n | Maximum number of items to display |
&pat=file_matching_pattern | Wildcard expression for matching a set of files |
&rev1=n, @rev2=n | Specifies a pair of revisions, for example, for diffing files |
&sho=flag | Specifies the partial results that you want returned, as described below |
&sr=@revision_specifier | A Perforce revision specifier (revision number, label, date, or changelist number) |
To display specified sections of the full-page results that P4Web normally returns, add sho=section[, section...] parameters to the URL.
Example: sho=title,filter,body. This feature enables you to embed specified portions of P4Web pages into your own web pages.
Valid sections are as follows:
Description |
Keyword |
Remark |
Perforce logo |
logo |
Header |
header |
Includes logo |
Path |
path |
Includes logo and header |
Tabs |
tabs |
Toolbar |
toolbar |
Title |
title |
Filter |
filter |
Body |
body |
(Required) |
Copyright |
copyright |
To ensure that any generated links in results pages return the same sections, place the sho parameter between the "at" signs (@) in the URL that you send to P4Web. For example:
The page returned by the preceding URL contains only the logo and body. All generated links in this results page also contain the sho=logo,body parameter and return only the logo and body when you click them. To ensure that all generated links in the results page return full pages, place the sho parameter at the end of the URL.