P4Web Release 2008.2 User Guide
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Diffing Files and Folders

P4Web enables you to compare (diff) file revisions or folders to display changes.

You can diff file revisions as follows:

To diff folders, choose Actions >Diff Two Folders... and specify the paths that you want to compare.

Configuring Diff Display

To configure default settings for the browser session, click Settings or, if you are viewing a diff, click Diff settings, and choose the desired option.You can configure diff options as follows:

Diff formats

Two-pane line wrapping: specifies how lines are wrapped when diffs are displayed side by side.

Diffs shown: specifies how white space diffs are handled

Diffs used for resolving files: specifies which diffs are significant when resolving files.


Configuring diff utilities: By default, P4Web uses Perforce's diff utilities. However, if P4Web and your browser are running on the same computer, you can configure another diff utility by setting the P4DIFF environment variable. To specify the path and executable of the desired program. To specify arguments for the external diff program, use the -d flag.

Diffing large files: if you diff a file that exceed 10% of the P4Web Page content limit setting, P4Web displays the diffs using Context mode, and advises you how much to increase the setting if you want to use full file mode to diff the file.

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