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Perforce 2009.2: Command Reference

Current Perforce username.
Usage Notes
Used by
Used by
Can be set in P4CONFIG file?
p4 -u username command
Value if not Explicitly Set
The value of the USERNAME environment variable.
The value of the USER environment variable.
By default, the Perforce username is the same as the OS username.
If a particular Perforce user does not have a password set, then any other Perforce user can impersonate this user by using the -u flag with their Perforce client commands. To prevent this, users should set their password with the p4 user or p4 passwd command.
If a user has set their Perforce password, you can still run commands as that user (if you know the password) with p4 -u username -P password command.
Perforce superusers can impersonate users without knowing their passwords. For more information, see the Perforce System Administrator's Guide.

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Perforce 2009.2: Command Reference
Copyright 1999-2009 Perforce Software.