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access level

A permission given to a user controlling which Perforce commands can be used. Access levels are assigned with p4 protect. The five access levels are list, read, write, review, and super.


An operation that takes a file in the client workspace and adds it as a new file to the depot.


Grouping a number of operations together such that either all of them occur, or none of them do. See atomic change transaction.

atomic change transaction

Grouping a number of files and operations together in a single changelist, such that when the changelist is submitted, either all the files are updated in the depot, or none of them are.


The file revision that two newer, conflicting file revisions were commonly based on.

binary file

A non-ascii file. Whether a file is binary or ascii is determined by the C library call isascii(). Binary files are always stored in the depot in full.


Creating a copy of a file or files in the depot so that the new file set can evolve separately from the original files. See Inter-File Branching.

branch form

The form displayed when the p4 branch command is given.

branch view

The view that specifies how files are mapped from the original codeline to the branched codeline. The mappings within a branch map files within the depot to the copied files within the depot. Branch views are edited in the branch form.


A tool that manages the process of turning source code into product. Perforce does not have a build tool, built in, but Perforce Software offers a companion freeware build tool called "Jam" at <www.perforce.com>.


  1. An edit of a file.
  2. In previous versions of Perforce, this term was used as a synonym for changelist.


A list of files, revision numbers of those files, and operations to be performed on these files. The commands p4 add, p4 edit, p4 delete, and p4 integrate all include files in a particular changelist, which is sent to the depot atomically when p4 submit is typed with no parameters.

changelist form

The form brought up by p4 change, and by p4 submit when submitting the default change.


The number that a particular changelist is known by. The default changelist is assigned a number if a submit of the default changelist fails. Changelist numbers always increase in sequence.

change review

The process of sending email to users when files that they are interested in have changed within the depot.


A copy of the underlying server metadata at one moment in time. This is one half of the journaling process.


A computer running p4; a computer storing a client workspace. All Perforce work is done by users on client machines. A single Perforce system can have many clients, which all talk to a single server via TCP/IP.

client form

The form brought up by the p4 client command to define a client workspace.

client name

A name that uniquely identifies the current client workspace. It is set through the P4CLIENT environment variable, or on the command-line with the -c flag.

client root

The root directory of a client workspace; the lowest level directory under which the managed files sit. The client root is set in the Root: field of the client form. If the client name is proj1, and the client root is /usr/joe/project1, then the file
//proj1/docs/read.me is actually located on the client machine under

client side

The right-hand side of a mapping within a client view. Expresses where the corresponding depot files are found within a client workspace.

client view

A set of mappings that express which files from the depot can be accessed from a particular client workspace, and where in the client workspace the depot files are mapped to. Client views are defined in the View: field of the form brought up by p4 client.


A local copy of some or all of the files stored in the depot. These files are managed by Perforce; users may work on Perforce files only within a client workspace. Client workspaces are defined with the p4 client command.


A set of files that evolve collectively. One codeline can be branched from another, allowing both sets of files to evolve separately from the other.

command line

The interface that this Perforce manual describes. If you're looking at this glossary entry because you don't know what a command line is, and you're expecting to use a GUI, you're in the wrong manual.


See file conflict.


A variable tracked and set by p4 review. Used internally by Perforce to track which changelists have and haven't been reviewed; users can create their own counters for use in their own daemons.


A program running in the background on the Perforce server. Perforce Software provides a change review daemon; users can create their own to handle other needs.


Files in a Perforce server used to store the server metadata.


The changelist used by p4 add, p4 edit, p4 delete, p4 submit, etc., unless a numbered changelist is provided to these commands with the -c flag. There is always a single default changelist in use for each client workspace.


The depot that is always available on a Perforce server. Its name is depot.


  1. To remove a file from the client workspace and from the depot with p4 delete followed by p4 submit. Deleted files are not actually erased from the depot; the head revision of the file is marked as being deleted, but older revisions of the file are still available.
  2. To remove an existing client, label, or branch from the Perforce server. This is accomplished with the -d flag to p4 client, p4 label, and p4 branch.


The line-by-line differences between one file revision and its next (or previous) revision.

delta storage

See reverse delta storage.


A file repository on the p4d server. It contains all versions of all files ever submitted to the server. There can be multiple depots on a single server.

depot root

The root directory for a particular depot. For the default depot depot, the depot root is the depot subdirectory of the server root directory.

depot side

The left side of any client view mapping. The union of all depot sides of a client view specifies which files are available to the corresponding client workspace.

depot syntax

Perforce syntax, when applied to a file in the depot. A file called readme in the depot's doc subdirectory would be referred to in depot syntax as //depot/doc/readme.


A client workspace not connected to a Perforce server with a functioning network connection is said to be detached. Permissions must be set on files using OS commands; Perforce is unable to open files for you.


A named counter used by p4 review. Each difference marker keeps track of which changes have already been reviewed for the counter with that name.


A depot within another p4d server, accessed by the local p4d server acting as a proxy client.

donor file

The file from which changes are taken when propagating changes from one codeline to another. A donor file can come either from the branched codeline or the original codeline; this is determined by the use of the -r flag to p4 integrate.


Opening a file in a client workspace with p4 edit. Perforce notes that the file has been opened, adds the file revision to a changelist, and turns on write privileges for this file within the client workspace. A file is opened for edit before it is edited with the system editor.

environment variable

A variable set in the operating system's command shell. Perforce utilizes environment variables that are passed to the p4 client or p4d server.

exclusionary mapping

A view mapping that excludes depot files from a client workspace. Exclusionary mappings begin with a minus sign. For example, to allow a client workspace to access all the files in the depot except for the file called secret, the view might look like this:

    //depot/... //a_client/...
    -//depot/secret //a_client/secret


    A permission that denies access on the specified files. For example, the following permission denies Ed write permissions on all files in the directory secret:
    write edk * -//depot/secret


See Perforce.


In a client workspace, file has the usual meaning. A file in the depot consists of the head revision of the file, and every revision of the same file.

file conflict

A state in which the version of a file in the client workspace is not an edit of the head revision in the depot at submit time.

file pattern

An argument on a p4 command line specifying files using wildcards.

file reference

A file revision specification, like foo#3. Used specifically when storing pointers to files in lists such as a label. The label contains file references, not the contents of the files themselves.

file repository

The master copy of all files; shared by all users. In Perforce, this is called the depot.

file revision

A specific version of a file within the depot. Each revision is assigned a number, in sequence. Any revision can be accessed in the depot by its revision number, like foo#3.

file tree

All the subdirectories and files under a given root directory.

file type

An attribute that determines how a particular file is handled by Perforce. The two basic Perforce file types are text and binary, but there are quite a few subtypes.


A job that has been linked to a changelist with p4 fix, p4 submit, or p4 change. Under most circumstances, a fixed job has a status of closed, but this is not always true: when an open job is linked to a pending changelist, it is still open, and closed, fixed jobs can always be reopened or suspended.


Screens brought up by certain Perforce commands containing elements whose value needs to be changed. The form is displayed in an external editor; the editor used is defined by the environment variable P4EDIT.

The commands that bring up forms are p4 change, p4 client, p4 depot, p4 job, p4 label, p4 user, and sometimes p4 submit.


The method by which Perforce stores file revisions of binary files within the depot: every file revision is stored in full. Contrast this with reverse delta storage, which is used for text files.


Formerly used to describe the process accomplished by p4 get, which has been renamed p4 sync. The p4 get command can still be used as a synonym for p4 sync. See sync.


Software provided by the Free Software Foundation. Most GNU software is system level software such as enhanced versions of standard UNIX utilities and language compilers.

GNU stands for "GNU's not UNIX".

have list

The list of file revisions that the Perforce server believes are currently in the client workspace. Generated by p4 have.

head revision

The most recent revision of a file within the depot. Since file revisions are numbered sequentially, this will also be the highest-numbered revision of the file. To refer to the head revision of file foo, use foo#head.


To propagate changes from one codeline to another.


The data structure by which Perforce keeps track of integrated files. It tracks which revisions of which donor files were integrated into which target files.

Inter-File Branching

Perforce's branching mechanism. It differs from the branching mechanism used by most SCM systems, allowing arbitrary copies of files to be stored anywhere in the depot, and allowing these files to evolve separately. Additionally, changes made to any file can be propagated to the corresponding file in any branch.


A generic term for a defect report, system improvement request, or change order. An arbitrary textual description of some change intended to be made to the system.

job tracking

Perforce's mechanism for keeping track of jobs. It is implemented via p4 job and p4 fix.


A file containing a record of every change made to the Perforce server's metadata since the time of the last checkpoint. One half of the journaling process.


Keeping track of every change made to the Perforce server's metadata since one particular moment in time. Requires a checkpoint file and a journal file. Only the server's metadata is journaled; external processes need to be run to backup the depot's file revisions.


A user-configurable list of file revisions. Used to save "important" file configurations for later use. Any file included in a label can be referred to with the revision specifier @labelname; e.g. [email protected].

label view

The view that defines which files in the depot are stored in a particular label. This can be edited in the form brought up by p4 label. The left-hand side of each mapping represents a subtree of the depot's file tree; the right side represents the files' corresponding location within the label.


Perforce's mechanism to ensure that our software is run on each site only by the number of users that have been paid for. Two users may be run on any Perforce server without a license or any form of payment. For more information on licensing, please send email to [email protected].

list access

A protections level giving the user permission to run reporting commands, such as p4 client, that give access to metadata. A user with only list access to a particular file can't run any commands that would allow them to read or write the contents of the file.

local depot

Any depot located on the current Perforce server. By default, only one such depot is constructed; others may be defined with p4 depot.

local syntax

The native name of a file on the client host, as would be used by other commands in that operating system. For example, file foo in joe's home directory in UNIX local syntax would be ~joe/foo, or /usr/joe/foo, etc.


Locking a file with p4 lock ensures that no other clients will be able to submit the same file until the file is unlocked by the locking client. Files are automatically locked when submission starts, and unlocked when submission ends; they can be manually unlocked with p4 unlock.


Error output from the p4d server. By default, this is written to standard error; a specific file can be set in the P4LOG environment variable, or with the -L flag to p4d.


A single line in a view, consisting of a left side and a right side that specify the correspondences between files in the depot and files in a client, label, or branch.

(See also client view, branch view, label view).


To combine the contents of two conflicting file revisions into a single file. This is accomplished with p4 resolve.

merge file

A file revision generated by Perforce from two conflicting file revisions. This file can be edited by the user during the p4 resolve process, producing a result acceptable to the user.


The data stored by the server that describes the files in the depot, the current state of client workspaces, protections, users, clients, labels, and branches. It includes all the data stored in the server except for the actual contents of the files.


The modification time of a file that has been read from the depot into a client workspace. By default, the modtime is the time that the file was last written to the depot; this can be changed in the p4 client form to be the time that the file is read into the client workspace.


The pool of legal names for clients, branches, depots, and labels. Clients, branches, depots, and labels all share the same namespace; therefore a client cannot have the same name as any branch, depot, or label.

network connection

A TCP/IP connection between a Perforce client and Perforce server. Generally, users are expected to work within a functioning network connection; they can still edit client files without a network connection by following the instructions for working detached.

nonexistent revision

A special file revision; a completely empty revision of any file. Useful only to remove a file from the client workspace while leaving it intact in the depot: use
p4 sync foo#none.

numbered changelist

A changelist that has been created by Perforce but that has not yet been submitted. A numbered changelist can be created manually, with p4 change -c, or is created automatically by Perforce when a submit of the default change has failed. Once a changelist has been assigned a number, it must be referred to by that number in all subsequent commands, e.g. p4 submit -c 31.


A file in a client workspace that has been included on a changelist with p4 add, p4 delete, or p4 edit. The file is said to be open within the client workspace.


The Perforce user who created a particular client, branch, or label. This can be changed through the form brought up by p4 client, p4 branch, or
p4 label.


The program invoked by users from a client to run all Perforce commands. It talks via TCP/IP to the Perforce server, mediating the interaction between the managed files in the client workspace and the master repository and metadata on the server host.


The program on the Perforce server that manages the depot and the metadata. It waits on a TCP/IP port for a connection from the client program.


An existing changelist that has not yet been submitted. These can be created manually with p4 change -c, and are automatically created when submission of the default change fails.


The fast Software Configuration Management system.

Perforce server

See server.

Perforce syntax

A syntax for referring to files that remains invariant across operating systems. It consists of two slashes, followed by the depot or client name, followed by a slash, and then the name of the file specified relative to the depot or client root.


A scripting language available for most operating systems. Useful for creating programs that utilize Perforce commands, such as the change review daemon.


See access.


A TCP/IP logical channel. Since every application on a host listens to a different port, the ports are used to funnel messages to the correct application. The p4d server program listens on the port assigned by P4PORT.


Generic term for some set of files kept by Perforce. One server might be storing source files for multiple projects.


To copy changes in one file to a branched copy of the same file, leaving the rest of the branch file intact.


The complete set of permissions as stored in the server's protections table.


An integration in which changes to the target file incorporates only revisions from a single source file.

RCS format

Revision Control System algorithm and data structure for storing file revisions. Uses reverse delta encoding for file storage. This is the method used by Perforce. See also reverse delta encoding.

read access

A protections level giving the user permission to run commands, such as p4 sync, that allow them to read the contents of Perforce files stored in the depot. Read access includes list access.


To copy the contents of an unopened file from the depot into the client workspace.

remote depot

A depot located on a server other than the current Perforce server defined under P4PORT. Perforce superusers can make these depots accessible to the current server's clients for read-only access.


Perforce may renumber a changelist when it is submitted. Since change numbers are allocated sequentially, a change might have one number when it is created, and another when it is submitted.


To run the resolve process a second time. This can be done only between the time a file is resolved and the time it is submitted


The process by which an integration is finalized by the user. The resolve process, run by p4 resolve, allows the user to decide whether to keep the integrated file, edit it, or accept some other revision of the file in place of the integrated revision.

resource fork

One fork of a Macintosh file. The Perforce file type is resource.

reverse delta storage

The method by which Perforce stores file revisions of text files within the depot. Rather than store every file revision in full, Perforce stores only the deltas from each revision to the one previous, storing the full text of only the head revision.


To throw away a file in the client workspace, replacing it with the revision in the depot that was being edited. Files that were opened with p4 add are left in the client workspace; they are simply removed from the corresponding changelist. Reverting files can only be done before the files have been submitted.

review access

A special protections level given to the review daemon, or to any daemon created by a user. It includes read and list accesses, plus permission to run the p4 review command.

review daemon

Any daemon process written that uses the p4 review command. See also change review.

review marker

Any named counter used by p4 review. Counter values are stored as Perforce metadata, so their value remains the same from execution to execution of p4 review. Each review marker has its own name, hence its own value. The value of any counter can be accessed and set at any time. Review markers are commonly used to track which changelists have been processed by a particular daemon, but other uses are possible.


A specific version of a file within the depot.

revision number

A number indicating which revision of the file is being referred to. Revision numbers start at 1, and increase sequentially. To refer to a particular revision of a file, append the pound sign and the revision number to the name of the file; e.g., the tenth revision of file foo would be referred to as foo#10.

The revision specification foo#10 is actually the same as the revision range specification foo#1,#10, since revision ten of the file encompasses all the changes made in the file from revision 1 to revision 10.

revision range

A range of revision numbers for a specified file, specified as the low and high end of the range. For example, foo#5,7 would access the fifth through seventh revisions of file foo.

Only a few commands allow revision ranges to be specified. The only non-reporting command that allows a revision range is p4 integrate.


A suffix to filenames that specify a particular revision of that file. Revision specifiers can refer to files by revision number, change number, label name or client name.


A top level directory under which all accessible files are found. See client root, server root, depot root.


Commonly used abbreviation for Software Configuration Management.


A UNIX mail transfer agent that, like a post office, collects mail and figures out how to move it further along. Used by the Perforce change review daemon.


The Perforce depot and metadata on a central UNIX or NT host. All the client workspaces in a Perforce system access the same server.

server root

The directory in which the server program stores its metadata and all the shared files. The directory is set via the P4ROOT environment variable.

Configuration Management

A category of software whose definition changes from manufacturer to manufacturer. Perforce is a Software Configuration Management system. Functions commonly said to comprise SCM systems are version control, concurrent development, release management, build management, and change review.


For a changelist, a value that indicates whether the changelist is new, pending or submitted. For a job, an indicator of whether the job is open, closed, or suspended.


To send a pending changelist to the server for processing. The files referenced by the changelist are locked, the corresponding operations are performed, and then the files are unlocked.


To register to receive email whenever changelists are submitted that affect particular files. Files are subscribed to via the p4 user form; the change review daemon watches the depot and sends email when the specified files have been affected.


A Perforce user with superuser permissions.


A protections level that gives the user permission to run every Perforce command, including those that set protections, obliterate files, verify files with an MD5 signature, and set up connections to remote depots.


To copy a file revision (or set of file revisions) from the depot to a client workspace. This is accomplished with the p4 sync command.

target file

When integrating changes between a branched codeline and the original codeline, the target file is the file that receives the changes from the donor file. Either the branched file or the original file can be the target; this is determined by the use or non-use of the -r flag when calling p4 integrate.


A networking protocol; the protocol of the Internet.

text file

The basic Perforce file type. Text files can be stored using reverse delta encoding, saving space on the server.


When resolving a file conflict, the theirs file is the revision in the depot that the client file conflicts with. This is usually the head revision.

When working with branched files, theirs is the donor file.

three-way merge

A merge between yours, theirs, and base. When a three-way merge is schedule by Perforce, it is because yours and theirs are both revisions of a common base file, theirs has been submitted to the depot, and the unconditional acceptance of yours would lose all the changes to theirs.

tip revision

A term sometimes used by other SCM systems in place of head revision.

two-way merge

The type of merge performed when a donor file is being integrated into a target file that was branched from a different file. In this case, there is no base file, so a two-way merge is performed, in which your file is used as the base of the merge. In a two-way merge, all changes appear as theirs, and there can be no conflicts.


An identifier that informs Perforce who is running the p4 commands. By default, this is the same as the system username, but the environment variable P4USER overrides this, allowing any user to impersonate any other.


The tracking of each revision and variant of every file managed by an SCM system


A description of the relationship between files in the depot and a client workspace, label, or branch. The view determines which files from the depot are included in the mapping, and the names by which the mapped files are known. See client view, label view, branch view.


A special character that is not interpreted literally, but is used to match other characters in strings. Perforce wildcards are `*', which matches anything except a slash; `...', which matches any string including slashes, and `%d', which is used for parametric substitution in views.


See client workspace.

write access

A protections level that gives the user permission to run commands, such as p4 submit and p4 edit, that allow him to alter the contents of files in the depot. Write access includes read and list accesses.


When resolving a file conflict, the yours file is the edited version within the client workspace. In an integration of a branched file, yours is the target file.

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Command Line User's Guide for PERFORCE
Copyright 1997 Perforce Software. Comments to [email protected].
Last updated: November 20, 1997