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p4 protect


Modify protections in the server namespace


p4 [g_opts] protect [-o]
p4 [g_opts] protect -i


'p4 protect' edits the protections table using an ASCII form. Once protections are in place, only a user with superuser access may use the 'p4 protect' command.

Each line contains a protection mode, a group/user indicator, the group/user name, client host id and a depot file path pattern. A user gets the highest privilege granted on any line.

Mode: The permission being granted. Each permission includes all the permissions above it, except for 'review'. The six access levels are:

list - users can see names but not contents of files; users can see all non-file related metadata (clients, users, changelists, jobs, etc.)

read - users can sync, diff, and print files

open - users can add, edit, delete, and integrate files

write - users can submit open files

super - allows access to the 'p4 protect' command

review - allows access to the 'p4 review' command; implies read access

Group/User indicator: either 'group' or 'user'.

Name: A Perforce group or user name; may be wildcarded.

Host: The IP address of a client host; may be wildcarded.

Path: The part of the depot being granted access.

The -o flag causes the protection table to be written to the standard output. The user's editor is not invoked.

The -i flag causes the protection table to be read from the standard input. The user's editor is not invoked.

For a detailed discussion of protections, please see the p4 User's Guide.

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Last updated: 06/14/98