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A third-party merge program to be used by p4 resolve's merge option.

Usage Notes

Used by
p4 client?
Used by
p4d server?
Can be set in P4CONFIG file?
Yes No None Yes

Value if not Explicitly Set

If the MERGE registry or environment variable is set, then its value; otherwise, nothing.


Prescient Software's MergeRight


The program represented by the program name stored in this variable is used only by p4 resolve's merge option. When p4 resolve calls this program, it will pass in four arguments, representing (in order) base, theirs, and yours, with the fourth argument holding the resulting merge file. If the program you use takes its arguments in a different order, set P4MERGE to a shell script that reorders the arguments and calls the proper merge program accordingly.

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Last updated: 09/15/99 (Manual version