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Request Your Free Static Code Analyzer Trial

Prove Compliance and Reduce Time-to-Market with Helix QAC and Klocwork

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Perforce Static Code Analyzers Have Been Trusted for 30+ Years as the Best Tools for Automotive Functional Safety and Standards Compliance

Trusted by Industry Leaders

  • Continental
  • Mitsubishi Motors
  • Elektrobit logo.
  • ABB logo.
  • Toshiba
  • NASA logo.

How Does Perforce Static Analysis Support Automotive Software Development?

Benefits of Perforce Static Analysis

Coding Standards Compliance icon

Coding Standards Compliance

Functional Safety Certification icon

Functional Safety Certification

Static Application Security Test (SAST) icon

Static Application Security Test (SAST)

Code Quality Management icon

Code Quality Management

Large-Scale Projects icon

Large-Scale Projects

Developer Productivity icon

Developer Productivity

Coding Standards Compliance icon

Coding Standards Compliance

Functional Safety Certification icon

Functional Safety Certification

Static Application Security Test (SAST) icon

Static Application Security Test (SAST)

Meet ISO 26262 Functional Safety Compliance Requirements

ISO 26262, titled “Road vehicles — functional safety”, is a risk-based functional safety standard that is critical to the automotive industry. Carmakers, their suppliers, and developers of automotive components are required to comply with the functional safety standard. However, meeting all the compliance requirements can be time consuming and difficult. That is why we make meeting compliance and traceability requirements easy.

One of the requirements for software compliance is the use of coding guidelines. While the most commonly used coding standards are MISRA C and C++, the AUTOSAR C++14 coding guidelines have been growing in popularity.  

Using a certified static code analysis tool — such as Helix QAC and Klocwork — makes compliance to functional safety standards, coding standards, and writing error-free code easier. In addition, both Helix QAC and Klocwork are certified by TÜV-SÜD for the use for safety-related software development, including ISO 26262.

Ensure Automotive Software Security with ISO 21434

ISO 21434 “Road vehicles — cybersecurity engineering” is an automotive standard that is focused on the management of cybersecurity risk in road vehicle electronic systems.

The standard requires automotive manufacturers and suppliers to demonstrate due diligence in the implementation of cybersecurity engineering and that cybersecurity management is applied through the supply chain to support it.

Compliance with ISO 21434 demonstrates compliance with UNECE WP.29 (UN Regulation for vehicle type approval and cybersecurity management systems), which will become mandatory for all new vehicles beginning in 2024.

Using a static code analysis tool — like Helix QAC and Klocwork — makes it easy to validate the ISO 21434 criteria of using a coding standard by showing compliance to key secure coding guidelines, such as MISRA and CERT.

"Helix QAC finds issues other tools miss. We're impressed by the performance of Helix QAC. It is very accurate. It finds issues that other tools have missed."

Huw Jones | Senior Software Test Engineer | Protean Electric