What Is MISRA?

MISRA® is a set of C and C++ coding standards, developed by the Motor Industry Software Reliability Association (MISRA).

What's more, MISRA is a top coding standard for embedded industries, including automotive. And, MISRA ensures that C/C++ code is safe, secure, and reliable.

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How to Comply with MISRA

The MISRA standard is one of the best coding standards for embedded systems. In this white paper, you'll learn best practices for adopting and complying with the MISRA standard.

You'll learn:

  • What is MISRA.
  • MISRA C covers — MISRA C:1998, MISRA C:2004, MISRA C:2012, and MISRA C:2023.
  • Why you should adopt MISRA C coding standards.
  • How MISRA C/C++ improves new and legacy codebases.
  • Which MISRA checkers enforce compliance.