# Release Notes for Hansoft Web Service ## Introduction Hansoft numbers releases MM.mmmm, e.g. 10.2038. MM is the major release and mmmm is the minor release. Any version includes all fixes of all previous releases. The upgrade procedure is documented in the Hansoft Web User Guide: https://help.perforce.com/hansoft/web-service/Content/web-service/upgrading-web-service.htm ## Release notes for other Hansoft components * Release notes for Hansoft Server and Client: * Release notes for LDAP integration: * Release notes for Jira Cloud integration: * Release notes for Jira Server integration: http://cache.hansoft.com/ReleaseNotesJira2020-06-30.htm * Release notes for Git integration: http://cache.hansoft.com/ReleaseNotesGit-2015-06-24.htm --- ## 11.0011 Release date: 2021-11-30 ### New features * Japanese and Chinese localization * QA Users can authenticate and create bugs in web client * Show item color to the left of each item in the To do list * Show sub project path (the sub project path depth is configured in More > Customize project > E-mails) * Show units on custom number columns ### Fixes * B 8427: Cannot set values in a multi select droplist from the web * C 7803: The text in the link editor dialog is not visible in dark theme * C 8438: The "due date" filter in the web To do list does not work * C 8446: The status "To be deleted" in the web client, is shown as "(No status set)" * D 42030: Units are not shown on custom number columns or function columns in the web to-do * D 46133: The text in the colour picker dialog is invisible in dark theme * D 51281: Measure name is shown twice in a chart with historical data and no other dimension ## Compatibility & upgrade notes The Hansoft Web Service 11.0011 requires Hansoft 11.0014. --- ## 10.2009 Release date: 2021-08 ### New features * If you have many URLs for a changelist in the Helix Core integration, each of them is clickable in Swarm. ### Fixes * 8417: Multi-line Text field updates from the web do not get sent to the server (Severity B) ## Compatibility & upgrade notes The Hansoft Web Service 10.2009 requires Hansoft 10.2069. --- ## 10.2008 Release date: 2021-07 ### New features * Custom sprint priority columns now show in the To Do list. * The Hansoft Helix Core Integration now show the changelist number when you select Hansoft tasks for your changelist. ### Fixes * 8354: When mentioning a user in a comment using @, not all users in the project were listed (Severity B) * 7806: Fixed layout issue with long text in a hyperlink field (Severity D) * 8377: Fixed layout issue with long dashboard names (Severity D) ### Compatibility & upgrade notes The Hansoft Web Service 10.2008 requires Hansoft 10.2069. --- ## 10.2006 Release date: 2021-06 ### New features * New integration to Perforce Helix Core allows you to maintain linkage between Helix Core changelists and Hansoft tasks * Do your time reporting in the list view of the To-Do list on the web. This requires that you have a "time spent" column enabled in your project. ### Fixes * 8357: When editing Work remaining twice in the To do list on the web, the default value is the previous value (Severity C) * 8363: The link to Web Service "help" page is incorrect (Severity C) ### Compatibility & upgrade notes The Hansoft Web Service 10.2006 requires Hansoft 10.2066. --- ## 10.2004 Release date: 2020-09 ### New Features * URL to open the “Create bug” dialog. The dialog can be opened by appending “?create_task” to a Hansoft web URL. This can be used to facilitate entering bugs in Hansoft from another tool. --- ## 10.2003 Release date: 2020-07 ### Fixes * 7824 Date entered in web client shows up as a different date in Hansoft (Severity B) ### Compatibility & Upgrade Notes * Hansoft Server: 10.2024 or higher. --- ## 10.2002 Release date: 2020-05 ### New Features * Run multiple Hansoft Web Service instances on the same machine using the LocalPort setting. * People and Release selection widgets in the Hansoft web client offer a search filter * Toggle the “Watch” property for a task directly from the web client ### Compatibility & Upgrade Notes * Hansoft Server: 10.2020 or higher. --- ## 10.2001 Release date: 2020- ### New Features * “New bug” option in web client to create items in the Quality Assurance section for the projects you have access to. * Create Quality Assurance items (bugs in general) using the Web Service API. ### Fixes * 7713 In the web client, invalid values for “Estimated Days” are not reverted. ### Compatibility & Upgrade Notes * Hansoft Server: 10.2011 or higher. --- ## 10.1022 Release date: 2020-01 ### New Features * The Hansoft Slack integration can now expand links to Hansoft items on the web, using https URLs. ### Fixes * 7791 Hansoft links are displayed incorrectly in Slack due to semicolon in URL (Severity B) ### Compatibility & Upgrade Notes * Hansoft Server: 10.1039 or higher. --- ## 10.1019 Release date: 2020-01 ### New Features * The web service scales with large databases by only downloading data for those projects where the user has items in their todo * Faster loading of items, by loading large lists of users on demand. ### Compatibility & Upgrade Notes * Hansoft Server: 10.1035 or later. --- ## 10.1018 Release date: 2019-10 ### New Features * The web service now respects the setting "Dashboard access" which allows an administrator to disable the dashboard function for a user. ### Compatibility & Upgrade Notes * Hansoft Server: 10.1024 or later. --- ## 10.1017 Release date: 2019-10 ### New Features * Read-only dashboards on the web You can now view all your dashboards and those dashboards shared to you, in a web browser. * View any item on the web Each Hansoft item now has a unique URL. You can paste this link into a web browser or an e-mail, and you’ll be able to view the item in the web, as long as you are allowed to view that item. ### Compatibility & Upgrade Notes * Hansoft Server: 10.1022 or later. --- ## 10.1013 Release date: 2019-09 ### Fixes * 7702 Pipeline tasks in the web client list view do not respect the setting "Tasks must be completed in sequential order" (Severity B) * 42305 Web service crash when subscribing to an action with incorrect parameter syntax (Severity B) * 41949 "NaN" is shown instead of function column errors in the web to-do (Severity D) ### Compatibility & Upgrade Notes * Hansoft Server: 10.1018 or later. --- ## 10.1010 Release date: 2019-08 ### New Features * The To-Do list can now show a cover image for each task in the list ** To show cover images in the To-Do list, click your username and select "Show cover images" ** To select a cover image, right-click an attachment in the Hansoft client and toggle “Use as cover image” * Your browser title bar now displays the name of the task open in the current tab * Improved load times in the web client ### Fixes * 7711 Comment subscription fails for some QA items (Severity B) * 41941 You can enter unlimited points after you enter an out-of-bounds value for points (Severity C) * 42095 Images do not refresh when edited (Severity D) ### Compatibility & Upgrade Notes * Hansoft Server: 10.1012 or later. --- ## 10.1009 Release date: 2019-06 ### New Features * Light and dark theme. You can now change between light and dark theme in the user menu at the top right. * Show pipeline parent task name on items in a pipeline. To get more context for items inside a pipeline, the name of the main pipeline item is now shown both in the list view and in item details. * Filters in the list view improved and moved to the top. ### Fixes * 7683: "Unique identifier is not valid" exception prevents the ProjectSprints subscription from running * 41878: Need to manually refresh the browser when running a new version of the web client * 41989: Committed bugs show bug priority at the top, even though they show sprint priority in the list view * 42151: Columns configured with "Members with delegated rights and main managers" permissions, cannot be edited for uncommitted bugs * 42257: Work remaining is visible in the list view for scheduled tasks * 42295: It is possible to change the name of pipeline steps in the web To-Do ### Compatibility & Upgrade Notes * Hansoft Server: 10.1008 or later. --- ## 10.1007 Release date: 2019-06 ### New Features * Mentions in comments on the web. If you type "@" while writing a comment, you will be prompted to name a team member. That team member will receive a notification about your comment. * Link to items in your web to-do. You can now copy/paste links to individual tasks in your web to-do. If you paste this link into a browser where you are currently logged in to the web to-do, that item will be opened. ### Fixes * 42234: Read-only date and date/time columns show 1970-01-01 1:00:00 if the value is empty * 41950: The "Work Remaining" column does not disappear until refresh, if disabled in QA. * 41997: "User Story" was referred to as "Detailed Description" in some error messages ### Compatibility & Upgrade Notes * Hansoft Server: 10.1008 or higher. * The 8.4001 and 10.0006 versions of the Hansoft LDAP integration do not support authentication for the Hansoft Web Service. --- ## 10.1004 Release date: 2019-05 ### New Features * Web To-Do: Introducing a new web interface for Hansoft where users can initially see and update their To-Do lists. The web-based To-Do list offers a prioritized list of tasks cross-project with easy filtering and ability to send in status and work remaining updates. Click on each task to see all the details related to the specific task, including comments and attached documents. * Slack Integration: When you paste a link to a Hansoft task in Slack, the Hansoft Bot will automatically present status, description and assignee in the channel where it was pasted. Learn more about the Hansoft Slack Integration. * Some additional subscriptions are now available in the Hansoft Web Service. See documentation for details. * Version Control Access is now supported in the Hansoft Web Service. See documentation for details. ### Compatibility & Upgrade Notes * Hansoft Server: 10.1008 or higher. * The 8.4001 and 10.0006 versions of the Hansoft LDAP integration do not support authentication for the Hansoft Web Service. ---