Your legacy data management (DM) system is slowing down development, putting your IP at risk, and costing a lot of time and money to maintain. You know you need to make the switch to a modern, scalable solution.
The question is: when and how?
In this follow up to our recent webinar, “5 Reasons to Replace ClearCase or SVN to Future-Proof Embedded Development,” Perforce CTO Brad Hart and Senior Director of Sales Engineering Gerhard Krüger are back with Tom Tyler, Principal Solutions Consultant, to show us how you can seamlessly move from your legacy DM to Perforce Helix Core. Using real examples, they will walk through the steps to migrate existing and in-progress projects to Perforce Helix Core efficiently so you can get your team up and running with a future-proof DM.
Join us to learn:
- Prescriptive, practical advice on migrating to Helix Core. The team will walk through real examples to demonstrate the steps involved in migrating completed and in-progress projects from a legacy DM system to Helix Core — while mitigating downtime and risk during conversion.
- How to use Perforce Streams to dramatically improve your development workflow on your converted data. Streams is the sophisticated branching mechanism in Helix Core. It guides teams through branching and merging and lets teams visualize branching structure, giving them a living diagram of their development flow.
- How to coexist with your existing DM and Helix Core. If other teams within your company want to continue using their existing DM, or other systems still require accessing data from the existing DM (such as build and test infrastructure), you can still gain a single source of truth for development with Helix Core. Learn how to mirror data from Git, SVN, ClearCase, and other DMs into Helix Core.
Ready to migrate? We're here to help.
Interested in moving to a scalable, secure, and modern data management system? Talk to one of our Helix Core experts today. We're here to guide you every step of the way to ensure your success.