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Options Constructor (ChangesCmdFlags, String, Int32, ChangeListStatus, String, Int32)

Changes command options.

Namespace:  Perforce.P4
Assembly: (in Version: 2024.1.261.8274
public Options(
	ChangesCmdFlags flags,
	string clientName,
	int maxItems,
	ChangeListStatus status,
	string userName,
	int changelist = 0


Type: Perforce.P4ChangesCmdFlags
Type: SystemString
Type: SystemInt32
Type: Perforce.P4ChangeListStatus
Type: SystemString
changelist (Optional)
Type: SystemInt32

Return Value


p4 help changes

changes -- Display list of pending and submitted changelists
changelists -- synonym for 'changes'

p4 changes [options] [file[revRange] ...]

options: -i -t -l -L -f -r -c client -e changelist -m max -s status
-u user

Returns a list of all pending and submitted changelists currently
stored in the server.

If files are specified, 'p4 changes' lists only changelists that
affect those files. If the file specification includes a revision
range, 'p4 changes' lists only submitted changelists that affect
the specified revisions. See 'p4 help revisions' for details.

If files are not specified, 'p4 changes' limits its report
according to each change's type ('public' or 'restricted').
If a submitted or shelved change is restricted, the change is
not reported unless the user owns the change or has list
permission for at least one file in the change. Only the owner
of a restricted and pending (not shelved) change is permitted
to see it.

The -i flag also includes any changelists integrated into the
specified files.

The -t flag displays the time as well as the date.

The -l flag displays the full text of the changelist

The -L flag displays the changelist descriptions, truncated to 250
characters if longer.

The -f flag enables admin users to view restricted changes.

The -c client flag displays only submitted by the specified client.

The -e changelist# flag displays only changes that are above and
including the specified changelist number.

The -m max flag limits changes to the 'max' most recent.

The -r flag sorts the output in reverse order.

The -s status flag limits the output to changelists with the specified
status. Specify '-s pending', '-s shelved', or '-s submitted'.

The -u user flag displays only changes owned by the specified user.

See Also