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Client Class

A client specification in a Perforce repository.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Perforce.P4
Assembly: (in Version: 2024.1.261.8274
public class Client

The Client type exposes the following members.

Public methodClient
Initializes a new instance of the Client class
Public propertyAccessed
Property for when the Client was last accessed
Public propertyAltRoots
A List of Alternate Roots
Public propertyChangeView
Ties client files to a particular point in time
Public propertyClientType
Type for the Client command
Public propertyDescription
Property to access Description of Client
Public propertyHost
Property to access Host of Client
Public propertyInitialized
Property is true if this Client has been initialized from the server
Public propertyLineEnd
Property to access line ending settings
Public propertyName
Property to access Name of Client
Public propertyOptions
Options for the Client command
Public propertyOwnerName
Property to access Owner of Client
Public propertyRoot
Property for the Client root directory
Public propertyServerID
Associated Server
Public propertySpec
Form Specification for the Client
Public propertyStream
Stream associated with client
Public propertyStreamAtChange
Stream at a specific change
Public propertyUpdated
Property for when this Client was updated
Public propertyViewMap
View Mapping
Public methodAddFiles(IListFileSpec, Options)
Get a List of FileSpecs from adding files with options
Public methodAddFiles(Options, FileSpec)
Public methodCopyFiles(Options)
Public methodCopyFiles(FileSpec, IListFileSpec, Options)
Public methodCopyFiles(Options, FileSpec, FileSpec)
Public methodDeleteFiles(IListFileSpec, Options)
Delete Files
Public methodDeleteFiles(Options, FileSpec)
Delete Files
Public methodEditFiles(IListFileSpec, Options)
Edit Files
Public methodEditFiles(Options, FileSpec)
Edit Files
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberFormatDateTime
Utility function to format a DateTime in the format expected in a spec
Public methodFromClientCmdTaggedOutput
Parse the tagged output of a 'client' command
Public methodFromClientsCmdTaggedOutput
Parse the tagged output of a 'clients' command
Public methodGetClientFileMappings(FileSpec)
Public methodGetClientFileMappings(IListFileSpec)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetResolvedFiles(IListFileSpec, Options)
Public methodGetResolvedFiles(Options, FileSpec)
Public methodGetSyncedFiles(IListFileSpec, Options)
List files and revisions we have in workspace
Public methodGetSyncedFiles(Options, FileSpec)
List files and revisions we have in workspace
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInitialize
Go to the server and instantiate this Client
Public methodIntegrateFiles(IListFileSpec, Options)
Integrate Files
Public methodIntegrateFiles(Options, FileSpec)
Integrate Files
Public methodIntegrateFiles(FileSpec, Options, FileSpec)
Integrate one set of files into another
Public methodIntegrateFiles(IListFileSpec, FileSpec, Options)
Integrate a file into others
Public methodLabelSync(IListFileSpec, String, Options)
Create a label from files in a client/workspace
Public methodLabelSync(Options, String, FileSpec)
Labelsync - create a label from workspace contents
Public methodLockFiles(IListFileSpec, Options)
Lock files
Public methodLockFiles(Options, FileSpec)
Lock files
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMergeFiles(Options)
Public methodMergeFiles(FileSpec, IListFileSpec, Options)
Public methodMergeFiles(Options, FileSpec, FileSpec)
Public methodMoveFiles
Move (Rename) files
Public methodParse
Parse a client spec
Public methodReconcileClean(IListFileSpec, Options)
Public methodReconcileClean(Options, FileSpec)
Public methodReconcileFiles(IListFileSpec, Options)
Public methodReconcileFiles(Options, FileSpec)
Public methodReconcileStatus(IListFileSpec, Options)
Public methodReconcileStatus(Options, FileSpec)
Public methodReopenFiles(IListFileSpec, Options)
Reopen Files - Change their type or move to another change
Public methodReopenFiles(Options, FileSpec)
Reopen - Change Filetype or move to different changelist
Public methodResolveFiles(IListFileSpec, Options)
Public methodResolveFiles(Options, FileSpec)
Resolve integrations and updates to workspace files
Public methodResolveFiles(ClientResolveFileDelegate, Options, FileSpec)
Resolve files
Public methodResolveStream
Public methodRevertFiles(IListFileSpec, Options)
Public methodRevertFiles(Options, FileSpec)
Public methodShelveFiles(IListFileSpec, Options)
Public methodShelveFiles(Options, FileSpec)
Public methodSubmitFiles
Public methodSyncFiles(IListFileSpec, Options)
Public methodSyncFiles(Options, FileSpec)
Public methodToString
Format as a client spec
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public methodToString(Int32)
Format as a client spec
Public methodUnlockFiles(IListFileSpec, Options)
Public methodUnlockFiles(Options, FileSpec)
Public methodUnshelveFiles(IListFileSpec, Options)
Public methodUnshelveFiles(Options, FileSpec)
Public fieldSubmitOptions
Options for the Client about submit behavior
See Also