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ServerLicense Class

The Perforce server's license information.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Perforce.P4
Assembly: (in Version: 2024.1.261.8274
public class ServerLicense

The ServerLicense type exposes the following members.

Public methodServerLicense
Initializes a new instance of the ServerLicense class
Public methodServerLicense(Int32, DateTime)
Initializes a new instance of the ServerLicense class
Public propertyApplication
Application that can use this license.
Public propertyClientCount
Number of active clients.
Public propertyClientLimit
Maximum number of clients those can use the license.
Public propertyClients
Number of supported clients.
Public propertyCustomer
Customer to whom this license is granted.
Public propertyExpires
Public propertyExtraCapabilities
ExtraCapabilities of license.
Public propertyFileCount
Number of files.
Public propertyFileLimit
Maximum number of files those can be added under current license.
Public propertyIPaddress
IP/Port address for license.
Public propertyIsLicensed
Boolean indicating if Server is licensed or not.
Public propertyLicense
The license key.
Public propertyLicenseExpires
Date at which the license expires.
Public propertyLicenseTimeRemaining
Remaining time for license expiration.
Public propertyPlatform
Platform for which license is generated.
Public propertyRawData
Public propertyRepoCount
Active number of Repos using the license.
Public propertyRepoLimit
Maximum number of Repos allowed under current license.
Public propertyServerIPMACAddresses
Public propertySupportExpires
Date at which support expires.
Public propertyUserCount
Active number of users using the license.
Public propertyUserLimit
Maximum number of users those can use the license.
Public propertyUsers
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFromServerLicenseCmdTaggedOutput
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodParse
Parse a license spec
Public methodToString
Format as a license spec
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
See Also