Interface IBranchMapping

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IBranchMapping
    extends IMapEntry
    Defines an individual Perforce branch view mapping between a source path and a target path.
    • Method Detail

      • getSourceSpec

        java.lang.String getSourceSpec()
        Get a branch view entry's "source" spec; this corresponds to the left entry of the associated mapping.
        LHS branch mapping
      • setSourceSpec

        void setSourceSpec​(java.lang.String sourceSpec)
        Set a branch view entry's "source" spec; this corresponds to the left entry of the associated mapping.
        sourceSpec - LHS branch mapping
      • getTargetSpec

        java.lang.String getTargetSpec()
        Get a branch view entry's "target" spec; this corresponds to the right entry of the associated mapping.
        RHS branch mapping
      • setTargetSpec

        void setTargetSpec​(java.lang.String targeSpec)
        Set a branch view entry's "target" spec; this corresponds to the right entry of the associated mapping.
        targeSpec - RHS branch mapping