Interface IMapEntry

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface Description
      static class  IMapEntry.EntryType
      Defines the specific type of a given view map entry.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int ORDER_UNKNOWN  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String getComment()
      Get the "comment" entry for this mapping; equivalent to getComment(false).
      java.lang.String getComment​(boolean quoteBlanks)
      Get the "comment" entry for this mapping.
      java.lang.String getLeft()
      Get the "left" entry for this mapping; equivalent to getLeft(false).
      java.lang.String getLeft​(boolean quoteBlanks)
      Get the "left" entry for this mapping.
      int getOrder()
      Get the order of this entry in the entry list, if known.
      java.lang.String getRight()
      Get the "right" entry for this mapping; equivalent to getRight(false).
      java.lang.String getRight​(boolean quoteBlanks)
      Get the "right" entry for this mapping.
      IMapEntry.EntryType getType()
      Return the view map type of this entry.
      void setComment​(java.lang.String comment)
      Set the "comment" entry for this mapping.
      void setLeft​(java.lang.String left)
      Set the "left" entry for this mapping.
      void setOrder​(int position)
      Set the order of this entry in the entry list.
      void setRight​(java.lang.String right)
      Set the "right" entry for this mapping.
      void setType​(IMapEntry.EntryType type)
      Set this entry's type.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Alias for toString(" ", false).
      java.lang.String toString​(java.lang.String sepString, boolean quoteBlanks)
      Return a canonical String representation of this entry.
    • Method Detail

      • getOrder

        int getOrder()
        Get the order of this entry in the entry list, if known. Returns ORDER_UNKNOWN if the order is unknown or this entry is not currently associated with a map.
        ORDER_UNKNOWN or current order.
      • setOrder

        void setOrder​(int position)
        Set the order of this entry in the entry list. Note that this method has no effect on the actual order within an entry whatsoever, and is provided for symmetry and for implementation initialization reasons only.
        position - new order
      • getType

        IMapEntry.EntryType getType()
        Return the view map type of this entry.
        possibly-null EntryType
      • setType

        void setType​(IMapEntry.EntryType type)
        Set this entry's type.
        type - new entry type. May be null.
      • getLeft

        java.lang.String getLeft()
        Get the "left" entry for this mapping; equivalent to getLeft(false).
        possibly-null left mapping entry.
      • getLeft

        java.lang.String getLeft​(boolean quoteBlanks)
        Get the "left" entry for this mapping. Will not include any prefixes. If quoteBlanks is true and the left string contains spaces or tabs the entire string is returned surrounded by quote characters.
        quoteBlanks - if true, and the left string contains spaces or tabs the entire string is returned surrounded by quote characters.
        possibly-null left mapping entry.
      • setLeft

        void setLeft​(java.lang.String left)
        Set the "left" entry for this mapping. Will strip off any exclude (etc.) prefix before assigning it.
        left - possibly-null new left mapping entry
      • getRight

        java.lang.String getRight()
        Get the "right" entry for this mapping; equivalent to getRight(false).
        possibly-null right mapping entry.
      • getRight

        java.lang.String getRight​(boolean quoteBlanks)
        Get the "right" entry for this mapping. Will not include any prefixes. If quoteBlanks is true and the right string contains spaces or tabs the entire string is returned surrounded by quote characters.
        quoteBlanks - if true, and the right string contains spaces or tabs the entire string is returned surrounded by quote characters.
        possibly-null right mapping entry.
      • setRight

        void setRight​(java.lang.String right)
        Set the "right" entry for this mapping. Will strip off any exclude (etc.) prefix before assigning it.
        right - possibly-null new right mapping entry
      • getComment

        java.lang.String getComment()
        Get the "comment" entry for this mapping; equivalent to getComment(false).
        possibly-null comment mapping entry.
      • getComment

        java.lang.String getComment​(boolean quoteBlanks)
        Get the "comment" entry for this mapping. Will not include any prefixes. If quoteBlanks is true and the comment string contains spaces or tabs the entire string is returned surrounded by quote characters.
        quoteBlanks - if true, and the comment string contains spaces or tabs the entire string is returned surrounded by quote characters.
        possibly-null comment mapping entry.
      • setComment

        void setComment​(java.lang.String comment)
        Set the "comment" entry for this mapping. Will strip off any exclude (etc.) prefix before assigning it.
        comment - possibly-null new comment mapping entry
      • toString

        java.lang.String toString()
        Alias for toString(" ", false).
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • toString

        java.lang.String toString​(java.lang.String sepString,
                                  boolean quoteBlanks)
        Return a canonical String representation of this entry. This is in the form [type prefix]leftpath[specstring]rightpath, e.g. "-//depot/dev/test/... //clientname/newpath/..."

        If the passed-in string is null, the left and right strings (if they exist) will be concatenated into one long separator-less string.

        If the quoteBlanks parameter is true, if either or both the left or right entries contain spaces, the entries are quoted in full, i.e. the mapping //depot/test/space test 01/... //depot/test/space test 02/... becomes "//depot/test/space test 01/..." "//depot/test/space test 02/...".

        sepString - separator string
        quoteBlanks - quotes if spaces are used
        formatted string