Interface IStreamRemappedMapping

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IStreamRemappedMapping
    extends IMapEntry
    Define (optional) an individual stream view path is to be remapped in client view. Each remapped mapping is of the form:

    <view_path_1> <view_path_2>

    where <view_path_1> and <view_path_2> are Perforce view paths with no leading slashes and no leading or embedded wildcards. For example:

    ... x/...

    y/* y/z/*

    Line ordering in the Remapped field is significant; if more than one line remaps the same files, the later line has precedence. Remapping is inherited by child stream client views.

    • Method Detail

      • getLeftRemapPath

        java.lang.String getLeftRemapPath()
        Get a stream remapped entry's left remap path; this corresponds to the left entry of the associated mapping.
        left remapped path
      • setLeftRemapPath

        void setLeftRemapPath​(java.lang.String leftRemapPath)
        Set a stream remapped entry's left remap path; this corresponds to the left entry of the associated mapping.
        leftRemapPath - left remapped path
      • getRightRemapPath

        java.lang.String getRightRemapPath()
        Get a stream remapped entry's right remap path; this corresponds to the right entry of the associated mapping.
        right remapped path
      • setRightRemapPath

        void setRightRemapPath​(java.lang.String rightRemapPath)
        Set a stream remapped entry's right remap path; this corresponds to the right entry of the associated mapping.
        rightRemapPath - right remapped path