Interface IStreamIgnoredMapping

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IStreamIgnoredMapping
    extends IMapEntry
    Define (optional) a list of file or directory names to be ignored in client views. For example:

    /tmp # ignores files named 'tmp'

    /tmp/... # ignores dirs named 'tmp'

    .tmp # ignores file names ending in '.tmp'

    Mappings in the "Ignored" field may appear in any order. Ignored names are inherited by child stream client views.

    • Method Detail

      • getIgnorePath

        java.lang.String getIgnorePath()
        Get a stream ignored entry's file path; this corresponds to the left entry of the associated mapping.
        ignore path
      • setIgnorePath

        void setIgnorePath​(java.lang.String ignorePath)
        Set a stream ignored entry's left file path; this corresponds to the left entry of the associated mapping.
        ignorePath - ignore path