Interface IStreamViewMapping

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IStreamViewMapping
    extends IMapEntry
    Defines an individual file path in the stream view. Each view mapping is of the form:

    <path_type> <view_path> [<depot_path>]

    where <path_type> is a single keyword, <view_path> is a file path with no leading slashes, and the optional <depot_path> is a file path beginning with '//'. Both <view_path> and <depot_path> may contain trailing wildcards, but no leading or embedded wildcards. Lines in the Paths field may appear in any order. A duplicated <view_path> overrides its preceding entry.

    Paths are inherited by child stream views. A child stream's paths can downgrade the inherited view, but not upgrade it. (For instance, a child stream can downgrade a shared path to an isolated path, but it can't upgrade an isolated path to a shared path.) Note that <depot_path> is relevant only when <path_type> is 'import' or 'import+'.

    • Method Detail

      • getViewPath

        java.lang.String getViewPath()
        Get a stream view entry's view path; this corresponds to the left entry of the associated mapping.
        view path
      • setViewPath

        void setViewPath​(java.lang.String viewPath)
        Set a stream view entry's view path; this corresponds to the left entry of the associated mapping.
        viewPath - view path
      • getDepotPath

        java.lang.String getDepotPath()
        Get a stream view entry's optional depot path; this corresponds to the right entry of the associated mapping.
        depot path
      • setDepotPath

        void setDepotPath​(java.lang.String depotPath)
        Set a stream view entry's optional depot path; this corresponds to the right entry of the associated mapping.
        depotPath - depot path
      • toString

        java.lang.String toString​(java.lang.String sepString,
                                  boolean quoteBlanks)
        Return a canonical String representation of this entry. This is in the form [type prefix]leftpath[specstring]rightpath, e.g. "-//depot/dev/test/... //clientname/newpath/..."

        If the passed-in string is null, the left and right strings (if they exist) will be concatenated into one long separator-less string.

        If the quoteBlanks parameter is true, if either or both the left or right entries contain spaces, the entries are quoted in full, i.e. the mapping //depot/test/space test 01/... //depot/test/space test 02/... becomes "//depot/test/space test 01/..." "//depot/test/space test 02/...".

        Specified by:
        toString in interface IMapEntry
        sepString - separator string
        quoteBlanks - quotes if spaces are used
        formatted string