Interface IBranchSpec

  • All Superinterfaces:
    IBranchSpecSummary, IServerResource
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IBranchSpec
    extends IBranchSpecSummary
    Defines a full Perforce branch specification for use in Perforce integrate (merge) commands.

    Full branch specs in the current implementation are always complete.

    • Method Detail

      • getBranchView

        ViewMap<IBranchMapping> getBranchView()
        Return the view map associated with this branch spec.

        branch mapping
      • setBranchView

        void setBranchView​(ViewMap<IBranchMapping> branchView)
        Set the the view map associated with this branch spec. This will not change the associated branch spec on the Perforce server unless you arrange for the update to server.
        branchView - new view mappings for the branch.