Interface IStreamSummary.IOptions

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface IStreamSummary.IOptions
    Stream options are flags to configure stream behavior.

    unlocked (default) / locked: Indicates whether the stream spec is locked against modifications. If locked, the spec may not be deleted, and only its owner may modify it.

    allsubmit (default) / ownersubmit: Indicates whether all users or only the of the stream may submit changes to the stream path.

    toparent (default) / notoparent: Indicates whether integration from the stream to its parent is expected to occur.

    fromparent (default) / nofromparent: Indicates whether integration to the stream from its parent is expected to occur.

    • Method Detail

      • setLocked

        void setLocked​(boolean locked)
      • isLocked

        boolean isLocked()
      • setOwnerSubmit

        void setOwnerSubmit​(boolean ownerSubmit)
      • isOwnerSubmit

        boolean isOwnerSubmit()
      • isNoToParent

        boolean isNoToParent()
      • setNoToParent

        void setNoToParent​(boolean noToParent)
      • isNoFromParent

        boolean isNoFromParent()
      • setNoFromParent

        void setNoFromParent​(boolean noFromParent)
      • isMergeAny

        boolean isMergeAny()
      • setMergeAny

        void setMergeAny​(boolean mergeAny)