Class StreamSummary.Options

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Default constructor; sets all fields to false.
      Options​(boolean ownerSubmit, boolean locked, boolean noToParent, boolean noFromParent)
      Explicit-value constructor.
      Options​(boolean ownerSubmit, boolean locked, boolean noToParent, boolean noFromParent, boolean mergeAny)
      Explicit-value constructor.
      Options​(java.lang.String optionsString)
      Attempts to construct a stream Options object from a typical p4 cmd options string, e.g.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Options

        public Options()
        Default constructor; sets all fields to false.
      • Options

        public Options​(boolean ownerSubmit,
                       boolean locked,
                       boolean noToParent,
                       boolean noFromParent)
        Explicit-value constructor.
        ownerSubmit - ownerSubmit
        locked - locked
        noToParent - noToParent
        noFromParent - noFromParent
      • Options

        public Options​(boolean ownerSubmit,
                       boolean locked,
                       boolean noToParent,
                       boolean noFromParent,
                       boolean mergeAny)
        Explicit-value constructor.
        ownerSubmit - ownerSubmit
        locked - locked
        noToParent - noToParent
        noFromParent - noFromParent
        mergeAny - mergeAny
      • Options

        public Options​(java.lang.String optionsString)
        Attempts to construct a stream Options object from a typical p4 cmd options string, e.g. "allsubmit/ownersubmit, [un]locked, [no]toparent, [no]fromparent". If optionsString is null, this is equivalent to calling the default constructor.
        optionsString - options