Interface IUser

  • All Superinterfaces:
    IServerResource, IUserSummary
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IUser
    extends IUserSummary
    Defines a full Perforce user object. See the main Perforce documentation for full usage and semantics.

    IUser objects are complete and updateable only if they come from the IServer.getUser() method (or are hand-crafted); user objects from other sources are not complete or completable, and nor are they refreshable. Setter methods defined below or on the superclass affect only local values unless a suitable update is done.

    • Method Detail

      • getPassword

        java.lang.String getPassword()
      • setPassword

        void setPassword​(java.lang.String password)
      • getJobView

        java.lang.String getJobView()
      • setJobView

        void setJobView​(java.lang.String jobView)
      • update

        void update​(boolean force)
             throws ConnectionException,
        Updates this user on the Perforce server; if force is true, force the change (requires super user / admin privileges to work properly). This method is supplied in addition to the normal IServerRespurce.update() method since that method is always called with force set to false.
        Specified by:
        update in interface IServerResource
        force - if true, force the update of the object on the server.
        ConnectionException - if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.
        RequestException - if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request
        AccessException - if the Perforce server denies access to the caller