Interface IUserSummary

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    User, UserSummary

    public interface IUserSummary
    extends IServerResource
    Defines a Perforce user summary as returned from an IServer getUsers method and similar. IUserSummary objects contain only the summary information returned by the p4 users command; to get the full user information from the server, use the IUser interface returned from getUser, etc.

    Fields and methods below are basically self-explanatory and more detailed documentation can be found in the main p4 documentation. Note that any or all of these methods are allowed to return null.

    IUserSummary objects are complete and neither refreshable nor updateable.

    • Method Detail

      • getLoginName

        java.lang.String getLoginName()
      • setLoginName

        void setLoginName​(java.lang.String loginName)
      • getUpdate

        java.util.Date getUpdate()
      • setUpdate

        void setUpdate​(java.util.Date update)
      • getAccess

        java.util.Date getAccess()
      • setAccess

        void setAccess​(java.util.Date access)
      • getFullName

        java.lang.String getFullName()
      • setFullName

        void setFullName​(java.lang.String fullName)
      • getEmail

        java.lang.String getEmail()
      • setEmail

        void setEmail​(java.lang.String email)
      • getType

        IUserSummary.UserType getType()
        Get the UserType associated with this user. May return null if no type was set.
        user type
      • setType

        void setType​(IUserSummary.UserType type)
        Set the UserType associated with this user.
        type - type
      • getTicketExpiration

        java.util.Date getTicketExpiration()
        Get the date the ticket associated with this summary user expires.

        This field will only be non-null if a) the user summary object it's a part of was retrieved using the IOptionsServer.getUsers method with the GetUsersOptions().setExtendedOutput option set to true; b) the caller was a super-user or admin; and, c) the Perforce server was 2011.1 or above. In all other cases the value of this field is either null or not reliable.

        This is a read-only field synthesized by the Perforce server, and can not be meaningfully set in the client.

        possibly-null Date object.
      • getPasswordChange

        java.util.Date getPasswordChange()
        Get the date the password associated with this summary user expires.

        This field will only be non-null if a) the user summary object it's a part of was retrieved using the IOptionsServer.getUsers method with the GetUsersOptions().setExtendedOutput option set to true; b) the caller was a super-user or admin; and, c) the Perforce server was 2011.1 or above. In all other cases the value of this field is either null or not reliable.

        This is a read-only field synthesized by the Perforce server, and can not be meaningfully set in the client.

        possibly-null Date object.