Class UserSummary

    • Field Detail

      • ticketExpiration

        protected java.util.Date ticketExpiration
      • passwordChange

        protected java.util.Date passwordChange
    • Constructor Detail

      • UserSummary

        public UserSummary()
        Default constructor; sets all fields to null or zero.
      • UserSummary

        public UserSummary​(java.lang.String loginName,
                           java.lang.String email,
                           java.lang.String fullName,
                           java.util.Date access,
                           java.util.Date update)
        Explicit-value constructor.
        loginName - loginName
        email - email
        fullName - fullName
        access - access
        update - update
      • UserSummary

        public UserSummary​(java.lang.String loginName,
                           java.lang.String email,
                           java.lang.String fullName,
                           java.util.Date access,
                           java.util.Date update,
                           IUserSummary.UserType type)
        Explicit-value constructor.
        loginName - loginName
        email - email
        fullName - fullName
        access - access
        update - update
        type - type
      • UserSummary

        public UserSummary​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> map,
                           boolean summaryOnly)
        Construct a UserSummary from the passed-in map and summaryOnly values. The map must have been returned from the Perforce server in response to a getUsers() or getUser (etc.) call; is summaryOnly is true, this is treated as a map that came from the getUseres method.

        If map is null, this is equivalent to calling the default constructor.

        map - spec map
        summaryOnly - if true