Interface IFileAnnotation

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IFileAnnotation
    Describes a Perforce file annotation as returned from the annotation command. See the main Perforce documentation for the annotate command for detailed descriptions of Perforce file version annotation.
    • Method Detail

      • getLower

        int getLower()
        the lower version or change number for the associated annotation.
      • getUpper

        int getUpper()
        the upper version or change number for the associated annotation.
      • getLine

        java.lang.String getLine()
        the line being annotated. This will not include the associated newline character or any line ending processing, but may include any embedded carriage return characters if they exist.

        The returned line will never be null, but may be empty.

      • getLine

        java.lang.String getLine​(boolean processLineEndings)
        processLineEndings - if true, and if a client is associated with this annotation (i.e. it was created by one of the IServer or IFileSpec annotation methods, and a client was associated with the server at the time the IServer or IFileSpec call was made), the returned string will attempt to honor client line end settings where possible; if there are no available settings, the local line ending is appended. If processLineEndings is not true, the results are identical to calling the no-argument getLine method.
        the line being annotated, with optional line ending processing based on client settings (if available). This method is aimed mostly at P4Eclipse and other specialized usage where file content lines need to be matched or compared with sync'd file contents (etc.), and may not be particularly useful for general users: when in doubt, use the simple getLine() method instead.

        The returned line will never be null, but may be empty.

      • getDepotPath

        java.lang.String getDepotPath()
        the associated depot path for this annotation, if one is available. May be null in certain (very unusual) circumstances.
      • getAllIntegrations

        java.util.List<IFileAnnotation> getAllIntegrations()
        Get a list of all contributing integration annotations for this annotation, if such a list exists. In the absence of the use of the GetFileAnnotationsOptions followAllIntegrations option (corresponding to annotate -I), this method will always return null; otherwise, if it is not null, it will contain a list of IFileAnnotation objects representing the contributing integrations. These IFileAnnotation objects will have a non-negative ordering (see getOrdering()), and null line data.
        possibly-null list of contributing integrations.
      • getOrdering

        int getOrdering()
        the ordering of this annotation in the associated allIntegrations list, if it exists. If the returned value is -1, this annotation is not part of an integrations list (and is therefore a data annotation).