Class ClientMessage

  • public class ClientMessage
    extends java.lang.Object
    Perforce P4Java client error / info / warning messages.

    These are messages that the P4Java API itself generates rather than receives from the Perforce server. Most of these are copied fairly closely from the corresponding C++ API class(es) and not all are currently used. The messages defined here all use the common %arg% string interpolation scheme that's used for messages coming in from the server in (e.g.) client-Message packets.

    The errors here are not typically passed as-is back to the end user, but are translated in the map-based server implementation superclass ServerImpl to more generic P4Java exceptions or filespec statuses.

    No attempt has (yet) been made to internationalise the corresponding error strings, but that may happen in future releases of the API.

    FIXME: what to do about P4Java-specific codes? -- HR.(Current strategy is to simply use zero, as we don't actually extract error codes anywhere yet).

    • Method Detail

      • getClientMessage

        public static ClientMessage getClientMessage​(ClientMessage.ClientMessageId id)
        Return the ClientMessage associated with this ID, if any. Never returns null, but will return the UNKNOWN message if it can't find a match.
        id - ClientMessageId
      • getMsgs

        public java.lang.String[] getMsgs()
      • setMsgs

        public void setMsgs​(java.lang.String[] msgs)
      • getMsgParamNames

        public java.lang.String[] getMsgParamNames()
      • setMsgParamNames

        public void setMsgParamNames​(java.lang.String[] msgParamNames)
      • getCode

        public int getCode()
      • setCode

        public void setCode​(int code)