Class ConfigureDelegator

    • Constructor Detail

      • ConfigureDelegator

        public ConfigureDelegator​(IOptionsServer server)
        Instantiates a new configure delegator.
        server - the server
    • Method Detail

      • setOrUnsetServerConfigurationValue

        public java.lang.String setOrUnsetServerConfigurationValue​(@Nonnull
                                                                   java.lang.String name,
                                                                   java.lang.String value)
                                                            throws P4JavaException
        Description copied from interface: IConfigureDelegator
        Set or unset a specific names server configuration variable. Config variables are unset by passing in a null value parameter.

        Expected variable name formats are as specified in the main Perforce documentation: [servername + #] variablename -- but this is not enforced by P4Java itself.

        Note: you must be an admin or super user for this command to work.

        Specified by:
        setOrUnsetServerConfigurationValue in interface IConfigureDelegator
        name - non-null config variable name.
        value - if null, unset the named variable; otherwise, set it to the passed-in string value.
        possibly-empty operation status string returned by the server in response to this set / unset attempt.
        P4JavaException - if an error occurs processing this method and its parameters.
      • showServerConfiguration

        public java.util.List<ServerConfigurationValue> showServerConfiguration​(java.lang.String serverName,
                                                                                java.lang.String variableName)
                                                                         throws P4JavaException
        Description copied from interface: IConfigureDelegator
        Show server configuration values. See the main Perforce documentation for the details of this admin command, but note that only one of serverName or variableName should be non-null (they can both be null, which means ignore them both). If they're both null, serverName currently takes precedence, but that's not guaranteed.

        Note: you must be an admin or super user for this command to work.

        Specified by:
        showServerConfiguration in interface IConfigureDelegator
        serverName - if not null, only show values associated with the named server; if equals ServerConfigurationValue.ALL_SERVERS, show values associated with all participating servers.
        variableName - if not null, only show the value of this named config variable.
        non-null (but possibly-empty) list of qualifying ServerConfigurationValue objects.
        P4JavaException - if an error occurs processing this method and its parameters.