AttributeDelegator |
Concrete implementation of the attribute command processing.
BaseDelegator |
BranchDelegator |
BranchesDelegator |
ChangeDelegator |
Implementation to handle the change command.
ChangesDelegator |
ChangesDelegator implementation.
ClientDelegator |
ClientsDelegator |
CommitDelegator |
ConfigureDelegator |
Handles configure commands.
CounterDelegator |
CountersDelegator |
DBSchemaDelegator |
Handles DB Schema commands.
DepotDelegator |
DepotDelegator implementation.
DepotsDelegator |
Implementation to handle depots commands.
DescribeDelegator |
Diff2Delegator |
Implementation to handle the Diff2 command.
DirsDelegator |
Implementation for a delegator to handle 'p4 dirs'.
DiskspaceDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Diskspace command.
DuplicateDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Duplicate command.
ExportDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Export command.
ExtensionDelegator |
FileAnnotateDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Annotate command.
FileLogDelegator |
FilesDelegator |
Delegator for the 'p4 files' command.
FixDelegator |
Implementation for 'p4 fix'.
FixesDelegator |
Implementation of a delegator to support 'p4 fixes'.
FstatDelegator |
Implementation for 'p4 fstat'.
GraphListTreeDelegator |
GraphReceivePackDelegator |
Delegator class that delegates receive-pack command execution to the server.
GraphRevListDelegator |
This class acts as a delegator that executes the command 'p4 graph rev-list'
GraphShowRefDelegator |
GrepDelegator |
Implementation of 'p4 grep'.
GroupDelegator |
GroupsDelegator |
InfoDelegator |
Implementation for 'p4 info' commands.
IntegratedDelegator |
Implementation for integrated delegator.
InterchangesDelegator |
InterchangesDelegator.InterchangesDelegatorHidden |
JobDelegator |
Implementation for 'p4 job'..
JobsDelegator |
Implementation for 'p4 jobs'..
JobSpecDelegator |
Implementation for jobspec commands.
JournalWaitDelegator |
Implementation for journal wait.
KeyDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Key command.
KeysDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Keys command.
LabelDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Label command.
LabelsDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Labels command.
LicenseDelegator |
ListDelegator |
This class acts as a delegator that executes the command 'p4 list'
Login2Delegator |
LoginDelegator |
Implementation for 'p4 login'.
LogoutDelegator |
Handles the 'p4 logout' command.
LogTailDelegator |
Implementation for logtail.
MonitorDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Monitor command.
MoveDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Move command.
ObliterateDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Obliterate command.
OpenedDelegator |
Implementation for p4 opened.
PasswdDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Passwd command.
PrintDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Print command.
PropertyDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Property command.
ProtectDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Protect command.
ProtectsDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Protects command.
ReloadDelegator |
Interface to handle the Reload command.
RenameClientDelegator |
Implementation to handle the RenameClient command.
RenameUserDelegator |
Implementation to handle the RenameUser command.
ReposDelegator |
ResultListBuilder |
ResultMapParser |
Utility to parse a result map and test for info/error messages etc.
ReviewDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Review command.
ReviewsDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Reviews command.
SearchDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Search command.
SizesDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Sizes command.
SpecDelegator |
StatDelegator |
Implemetation for 'p4 stat'.
StreamDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Stream command.
StreamlogDelegator |
StreamsDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Streams command.
TagDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Tag command.
TriggersDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Triggers command.
UnloadDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Unload command.
UserDelegator |
Implementation to handle the User command.
UsersDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Users command.
VerifyDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Verify command.