Class GroupsDelegator

    • Constructor Detail

      • GroupsDelegator

        public GroupsDelegator​(IOptionsServer server)
        Instantiate a new GroupsDelegator for the given server implemention.
        server - the server to delegate for
    • Method Detail

      • getUserGroups

        public java.util.List<IUserGroup> getUserGroups​(java.lang.String userOrGroupName,
                                                        GetUserGroupsOptions opts)
                                                 throws P4JavaException
        Description copied from interface: IGroupsDelegator
        Get a list of Perforce user groups from the server.

        Note that the Perforce server considers it an error to have both indirect and displayValues parameters set true; this will cause the server to throw a RequestException with an appropriate usage message.

        Specified by:
        getUserGroups in interface IGroupsDelegator
        userOrGroupName - if non-null, restrict the list to the specified group or username.
        opts - GetUserGroupsOptions object describing optional parameters; if null, no options are set
        a non-null but possibly-empty list of qualifying groups.
        P4JavaException - if any error occurs in the processing of this method.