Class PopulateFilesOptions

  • public class PopulateFilesOptions
    extends Options
    Options class for the IClient 'populateFiles' method.
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String OPTIONS_SPECS
        Options: -d[description], -f, -m[max] -n, -o, -b[branch], -S[stream], -P[parentStream], -r, -s.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • description

        public java.lang.String description
        If non-null, use this as the description for the submitted changelist.

        Corresponds to -d flag.

      • maxFiles

        protected int maxFiles
        If positive, copy only the first maxFiles files.

        Corresponds to -m flag.

      • forceBranchDeletedFiles

        protected boolean forceBranchDeletedFiles
        If true, forces deleted files to be branched into the target. By default, deleted files are treated as nonexistent and simply skipped.

        Corresponds to -f flag.

      • noUpdate

        protected boolean noUpdate
        If true, don't actually do the populate.

        Corresponds to -n flag.

      • showPopulatedFiles

        protected boolean showPopulatedFiles
        If true, return a list of files created by the populate command.

        Corresponds to -o flag.

      • bidirectional

        protected boolean bidirectional
        If true, this is a 'bidirectional' populate. The -s flag can be used with -b to cause fromFile to be treated as the source, and both sides of the user-defined branch view to be treated as the target, per the branch view mapping. Optional toFile arguments may be given to further restrict the scope of the target file set. -r is ignored when -s is used.

        Corresponds to -s flag.

      • reverseMapping

        protected boolean reverseMapping
        Reverse the mappings in the branch view, with the target files and source files exchanging place.

        Corresponds to the -r flag.

      • branch

        protected java.lang.String branch
        If non-null, use a user-defined branch view. The source is the left side of the branch view and the target is the right side. With -r, the direction is reversed.

        Corresponds to -b flag.

      • stream

        protected java.lang.String stream
        If non-null, use this stream's branch view. The source is the stream itself, and the target is the stream's parent. With -r, the direction is reversed. -P can be used to specify a parent stream other than the stream's actual parent. Note that to submit copied stream files, the current client must be dedicated to the target stream.

        Corresponds to -S flag.

      • parentStream

        protected java.lang.String parentStream
        If non-null, specify a parent stream other than the stream's actual parent.

        Corresponds to -P flag.

    • Constructor Detail

      • PopulateFilesOptions

        public PopulateFilesOptions()
        Default constructor.
      • PopulateFilesOptions

        public PopulateFilesOptions​(java.lang.String... options)
        Strings-based constructor; see 'p4 help [command]' for possible options.

        WARNING: you should not pass more than one option or argument in each string parameter. Each option or argument should be passed-in as its own separate string parameter, without any spaces between the option and the option value (if any).

        NOTE: setting options this way always bypasses the internal options values, and getter methods against the individual values corresponding to the strings passed in to this constructor will not normally reflect the string's setting. Do not use this constructor unless you know what you're doing and / or you do not also use the field getters and setters.

        options - the options
        See Also:
      • PopulateFilesOptions

        public PopulateFilesOptions​(java.lang.String description,
                                    boolean forceBranchDeletedFiles,
                                    int maxFiles,
                                    boolean noUpdate,
                                    boolean showPopulatedFiles)
        Instantiates a new populate files options.
        description - the description
        forceBranchDeletedFiles - force branch of deleted files
        maxFiles - max files
        noUpdate - no update
        showPopulatedFiles - show populated files
      • PopulateFilesOptions

        public PopulateFilesOptions​(java.lang.String description,
                                    boolean forceBranchDeletedFiles,
                                    int maxFiles,
                                    boolean noUpdate,
                                    boolean showPopulatedFiles,
                                    java.lang.String branch,
                                    boolean reverseMapping,
                                    boolean bidirectional)
        Instantiates a new populate files options.
        description - the description
        forceBranchDeletedFiles - force branch of deleted files
        maxFiles - max files
        noUpdate - no update
        showPopulatedFiles - show populated files
        branch - the branch
        reverseMapping - reverse mapping
        bidirectional - bidirectional
      • PopulateFilesOptions

        public PopulateFilesOptions​(java.lang.String description,
                                    boolean forceBranchDeletedFiles,
                                    int maxFiles,
                                    boolean noUpdate,
                                    boolean showPopulatedFiles,
                                    java.lang.String stream,
                                    java.lang.String parentStream,
                                    boolean reverseMapping)
        Instantiates a new populate files options.
        description - the description
        forceBranchDeletedFiles - force branch of deleted files
        maxFiles - max files
        noUpdate - no update
        showPopulatedFiles - show populated files
        stream - the stream
        parentStream - the parent stream
        reverseMapping - reverse mapping
    • Method Detail

      • getDescription

        public java.lang.String getDescription()
        Gets the description.
        the description
      • setDescription

        public PopulateFilesOptions setDescription​(java.lang.String description)
        Sets the description.
        description - the description
        the populate files options
      • getMaxFiles

        public int getMaxFiles()
        Gets the max files.
        the max files
      • setMaxFiles

        public PopulateFilesOptions setMaxFiles​(int maxFiles)
        Sets the max files.
        maxFiles - the max files
        the populate files options
      • isForceBranchDeletedFiles

        public boolean isForceBranchDeletedFiles()
        Checks if is force branch deleted files.
        true, if is force branch deleted files
      • setForceBranchDeletedFiles

        public PopulateFilesOptions setForceBranchDeletedFiles​(boolean forceBranchDeletedFiles)
        Sets the force branch deleted files.
        forceBranchDeletedFiles - the force branch deleted files
        the populate files options
      • isShowPopulatedFiles

        public boolean isShowPopulatedFiles()
        Checks if is show populated files.
        true, if is show populated files
      • setShowPopulatedFiles

        public PopulateFilesOptions setShowPopulatedFiles​(boolean showPopulatedFiles)
        Sets the show populated files.
        showPopulatedFiles - the show populated files
        the populate files options
      • isNoUpdate

        public boolean isNoUpdate()
        Checks if is no update.
        true, if is no update
      • setNoUpdate

        public PopulateFilesOptions setNoUpdate​(boolean noUpdate)
        Sets the no update.
        noUpdate - the no update
        the populate files options
      • isBidirectional

        public boolean isBidirectional()
        Checks if is bidirectional.
        true, if is bidirectional
      • setBidirectional

        public PopulateFilesOptions setBidirectional​(boolean bidirectional)
        Sets the bidirectional.
        bidirectional - the bidirectional
        the populate files options
      • isReverseMapping

        public boolean isReverseMapping()
        Checks if is reverse mapping.
        true, if is reverse mapping
      • setReverseMapping

        public PopulateFilesOptions setReverseMapping​(boolean reverseMapping)
        Sets the reverse mapping.
        reverseMapping - the reverse mapping
        the populate files options
      • getBranch

        public java.lang.String getBranch()
        Gets the branch.
        the branch
      • setBranch

        public PopulateFilesOptions setBranch​(java.lang.String branch)
        Sets the branch.
        branch - the branch
        the populate files options
      • getStream

        public java.lang.String getStream()
        Gets the stream.
        the stream
      • setStream

        public PopulateFilesOptions setStream​(java.lang.String stream)
        Sets the stream.
        stream - the stream
        the populate files options
      • getParentStream

        public java.lang.String getParentStream()
        Gets the parent stream.
        the parent stream
      • setParentStream

        public PopulateFilesOptions setParentStream​(java.lang.String parentStream)
        Sets the parent stream.
        parentStream - the parent stream
        the populate files options