Class ExportRecordsOptions

  • public class ExportRecordsOptions
    extends Options
    Options class for IOptionsServer.getExportRecords method. Please see the relevant Perforce admin help for details of the meaning and usage of the options defined here -- this method is not intended for general use. Note also some special-casing in the options processing for this class.

    The 'skip*' options are specific to P4Java only; they are not Perforce command options. These options are for field handling rules in the lower layers of P4Java. The field rules are for identifying the fields that should skip charset translation of their values; leaving their values as bytes instead of converting them to strings.

    These 'skip*' options (if any) are placed into the command 'input map' and carried downstream to the lower layer of P4Java for field rule processing.

    If you choose to use the IOptionsServer.execStreamingMapCommand method, you would place those 'skip*' options manually into an 'input map' and pass the map to the execStreamingMapCommand method. Use 'startField' and 'stopField' as map keys for the 'field range' rule; and use 'fieldPattern' as map key for the 'field pattern' rule. See examples (code snippets) below.

     HashMap<String, Object> inMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
     Map<String, Object> skipParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
     skipParams.put("startField", "op");
     skipParams.put("stopField", "func");
     inMap.put(CmdSpec.EXPORT.toString(), skipParams);
     server.execStreamingMapCommand("export", new String[] { "-l100000",
                   "-j155", "-Ftable=db.traits" }, inMap, handler, key);
     HashMap<String, Object> inMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
     Map<String, Object> skipParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
     skipParams.put("fieldPattern", "^[A-Z]{2}\\w+");
     inMap.put(CmdSpec.EXPORT.toString(), skipParams);
     server.execStreamingMapCommand("export", new String[] { "-l100000",
                   "-j155", "-Ftable=db.traits" }, inMap, handler, key);

    Currently, there are two implemented field rules for skipping charset translations. Only one rule can be activated at once. To turn on the rules you would set the 'skipDataConversion' option to true. Note that the rule creation will be processed in the order listed below.

    The 'field pattern' rule defines a regex pattern matching the fields to be skipped. To use this rule you would need to set the 'skipFieldPattern' option.

    The 'field range' rule defines a range of fields to be skipped, with a start field (inclusive) and a stop field (non-inclusive). To use this rule you would set the 'skipStartField' and 'skipStopField' options.

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String OPTIONS_SPECS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • useJournal

        protected boolean useJournal
        If true, specifies a journal number and optional offset position (journal number/offset) from which to start exporting. Corresponds to the '-j token' flag.

        If false, specifies a checkpoint number and optional offset position (checkpoint number#offset) from which to start exporting. Corresponds to the '-c token' flag.

      • maxRecs

        protected long maxRecs
        If greater than zero, limits the number of lines (records) exported. Corresponds to the '-l lines' flag.
      • sourceNum

        protected int sourceNum
        If positive, specifies a journal or checkpoint number. Corresponds to the 'token' part of the '-j token' and '-c token' flags.

        The '-j token' flag specifies a journal number and optional position (in the form: journal number/offset) from which to start exporting. The -c token flag specifies a checkpoint number and optional position (in the form: checkpoint number#offset) from which to start exporting.

      • offset

        protected long offset
        If positive, specifies a journal or checkpoint optional offset position (journal number/offset or checkpoint number#offset) from which to start exporting.
      • format

        protected boolean format
        If true, formats non-textual datatypes appropriately. Corresponds to the '-f' flag.
      • journalPrefix

        protected java.lang.String journalPrefix
        If non-null, specifies a file name prefix to match the one used with 'p4d -jc prefix'. Corresponds to the '-J' flag.
      • filter

        protected java.lang.String filter
        If non-null, limits output to records that match the filter pattern. Corresponds to the '-F' flag.
      • skipDataConversion

        protected boolean skipDataConversion
        This is not a Perforce command option. If true, it will signal the deeper level logic to skip the charset conversion of data fields; leave the values as bytes.

        Note: by default the field values affected will be between the start field "op" (non inclusive) and the end field "func" (non inclusive).

      • skipStartField

        protected java.lang.String skipStartField
        This is not a Perforce command option. If non-null, it is the start field (inclusive) marking the beginning of a series of fields which the field values (bytes) will not be converted to strings.

        Note: don't change this unless you know what you're doing.

      • skipStopField

        protected java.lang.String skipStopField
        This is not a Perforce command option. If non-null, it is the stop field (non-inclusive) marking the end of a series of fields which the field values (bytes) will not be converted to strings.

        Note: don't change this unless you know what you're doing.

      • skipFieldPattern

        protected java.lang.String skipFieldPattern
        The regex pattern for matching fields which the field values (bytes) will not be converted to strings.

        Note: don't set this value unless you know what you're doing.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ExportRecordsOptions

        public ExportRecordsOptions()
        Default constructor.
      • ExportRecordsOptions

        public ExportRecordsOptions​(java.lang.String... options)
        Strings-based constructor; see 'p4 help [command]' for possible options.

        WARNING: you should not pass more than one option or argument in each string parameter. Each option or argument should be passed-in as its own separate string parameter, without any spaces between the option and the option value (if any).

        NOTE: setting options this way always bypasses the internal options values, and getter methods against the individual values corresponding to the strings passed in to this constructor will not normally reflect the string's setting. Do not use this constructor unless you know what you're doing and / or you do not also use the field getters and setters.

        options - options
        See Also:
      • ExportRecordsOptions

        public ExportRecordsOptions​(boolean useJournal,
                                    long maxRecs,
                                    int sourceNum,
                                    long offset,
                                    boolean format,
                                    java.lang.String journalPrefix,
                                    java.lang.String filter)
        Explicit-value constructor.
        useJournal - the use journal
        maxRecs - the max recs
        sourceNum - the source num
        offset - the offset
        format - the format
        journalPrefix - the journal prefix
        filter - the filter
    • Method Detail

      • processFieldRules

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> processFieldRules()
        Process the field rules and return an input map for field handling rules in the deeper layers of P4Java.
        map of field handling rules
      • isUseJournal

        public boolean isUseJournal()
        Checks if is use journal.
        true, if is use journal
      • setUseJournal

        public ExportRecordsOptions setUseJournal​(boolean useJournal)
        Sets the use journal (true/false).
        useJournal - the use journal (true/false)
        the export records options
      • getMaxRecs

        public long getMaxRecs()
        Gets the maximum lines to be exported.
        the maximum lines
      • setMaxRecs

        public ExportRecordsOptions setMaxRecs​(long maxRecs)
        Sets the maximum lines to be exported.
        maxRecs - the maximum lines
        the export records options
      • getSourceNum

        public int getSourceNum()
        Gets the journal or checkpoint number.
        the journal or checkpoint number
      • setSourceNum

        public ExportRecordsOptions setSourceNum​(int sourceNum)
        Sets the journal or checkpoint number.
        sourceNum - the journal or checkpoint number
        the export records options
      • getOffset

        public long getOffset()
        Gets the journal or checkpoint offset.
        the journal or checkpoint offset
      • setOffset

        public ExportRecordsOptions setOffset​(long offset)
        Sets the journal or checkpoint offset.
        offset - the journal or checkpoint offset
        the export records options
      • isFormat

        public boolean isFormat()
        Checks if is format.
        true, if is format
      • setFormat

        public ExportRecordsOptions setFormat​(boolean format)
        Sets the format (true/false).
        format - the format (true/false)
        the export records options
      • getJournalPrefix

        public java.lang.String getJournalPrefix()
        Gets the journal prefix.
        the journal prefix
      • setJournalPrefix

        public ExportRecordsOptions setJournalPrefix​(java.lang.String journalPrefix)
        Sets the journal prefix.
        journalPrefix - the journal prefix
        the export records options
      • getFilter

        public java.lang.String getFilter()
        Gets the filter.
        the filter
      • setFilter

        public ExportRecordsOptions setFilter​(java.lang.String filter)
        Sets the filter.
        filter - the filter
        the export records options
      • isSkipDataConversion

        public boolean isSkipDataConversion()
        Checks if is skip data conversion.
        true, if is skip data conversion
      • setSkipDataConversion

        public ExportRecordsOptions setSkipDataConversion​(boolean skipDataConversion)
        Sets the skip data conversion.
        skipDataConversion - the skip data conversion (true/false)
        the export records options
      • getSkipStartField

        public java.lang.String getSkipStartField()
        Gets the skip start field.
        the skip start field
      • setSkipStartField

        public ExportRecordsOptions setSkipStartField​(java.lang.String skipStartField)
        Sets the skip start field.
        skipStartField - the skip start field
        the export records options
      • getSkipStopField

        public java.lang.String getSkipStopField()
        Gets the skip stop field.
        the skip stop field
      • setSkipStopField

        public ExportRecordsOptions setSkipStopField​(java.lang.String skipStopField)
        Sets the skip stop field.
        skipStopField - the skip stop field
        the export records options
      • getSkipFieldPattern

        public java.lang.String getSkipFieldPattern()
        Gets the skip field pattern.
        the skip field pattern
      • setSkipFieldPattern

        public ExportRecordsOptions setSkipFieldPattern​(java.lang.String skipFieldPattern)
        Sets the skip field pattern.
        skipFieldPattern - the skip field pattern
        the export records options