Class GetFileDiffsOptions

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String OPTIONS_SPECS
        Options: -d[flags], -Od, -q, -t, -u, -dc[n], -du[n], -S[stream], -P[parentStream]
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • outputDifferFilesOnly

        protected boolean outputDifferFilesOnly
        If true, limits output to files that differ. Corresponds to -Od.
      • quiet

        protected boolean quiet
        If true, suppresses the display of the header lines of files whose content and types are identical and suppresses the actual diff for all files. Corresponds to the -q flag.
      • includeNonTextDiffs

        protected boolean includeNonTextDiffs
        If true, diff even files with non-text (binary) types. Corresponds to the -t flag.
      • rcsDiffs

        protected boolean rcsDiffs
        If true, use RCS diff; corresponds to -dn.
      • diffContext

        protected int diffContext
        If positive, specifies the number of context diff lines; if zero, lets server pick context number; if negative, no options are generated. Corresponds to -dc[n], with -dc generated for diffContext == 0, -dcn for diffContext > 0, where "n" is of course the value of diffContext.
      • summaryDiff

        protected boolean summaryDiff
        If true, perform summary diff; corresponds to -ds.
      • unifiedDiff

        protected int unifiedDiff
        If true, do a unified diff; corresponds to -du[n] with -du generated for unifiedDiff == 0, -dun for unifiedDiff > 0, where "n" is of course the value of unifiedDiff.
      • ignoreWhitespaceChanges

        protected boolean ignoreWhitespaceChanges
        If true, ignore whitespace changes; corresponds to -db.
      • ignoreWhitespace

        protected boolean ignoreWhitespace
        If true, ignore whitespace; corresponds to -dw.
      • ignoreLineEndings

        protected boolean ignoreLineEndings
        If true, ignore line endings; corresponds to -dl.
      • stream

        protected java.lang.String stream
        If not null, makes 'p4 diff2' use a stream's branch view. The source is the stream itself, and the target is the stream's parent. The '-P' flag can be used to specify a parent stream other than the stream's actual parent.
      • parentStream

        protected java.lang.String parentStream
        If non-null, specify a parent stream other than the stream's actual parent. Corresponds to -P flag.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GetFileDiffsOptions

        public GetFileDiffsOptions()
        Default constructor.
      • GetFileDiffsOptions

        public GetFileDiffsOptions​(java.lang.String... options)
        Strings-based constructor; see 'p4 help [command]' for possible options.

        WARNING: you should not pass more than one option or argument in each string parameter. Each option or argument should be passed-in as its own separate string parameter, without any spaces between the option and the option value (if any).

        NOTE: setting options this way always bypasses the internal options values, and getter methods against the individual values corresponding to the strings passed in to this constructor will not normally reflect the string's setting. Do not use this constructor unless you know what you're doing and / or you do not also use the field getters and setters.

        options - options
        See Also:
      • GetFileDiffsOptions

        public GetFileDiffsOptions​(boolean quiet,
                                   boolean includeNonTextDiffs,
                                   boolean gnuDiffs,
                                   boolean rcsDiffs,
                                   int diffContext,
                                   boolean summaryDiff,
                                   int unifiedDiff,
                                   boolean ignoreWhitespaceChanges,
                                   boolean ignoreWhitespace,
                                   boolean ignoreLineEndings)
        Explicit-value constructor.
        quiet - quiet
        includeNonTextDiffs - includeNonTextDiffs
        gnuDiffs - gnuDiffs
        rcsDiffs - rcsDiffs
        diffContext - diffContext
        summaryDiff - summaryDiff
        unifiedDiff - unifiedDiff
        ignoreWhitespaceChanges - ignoreWhitespaceChanges
        ignoreWhitespace - ignoreWhitespace
        ignoreLineEndings - ignoreLineEndings
      • GetFileDiffsOptions

        public GetFileDiffsOptions​(boolean quiet,
                                   boolean includeNonTextDiffs,
                                   boolean gnuDiffs,
                                   boolean rcsDiffs,
                                   int diffContext,
                                   boolean summaryDiff,
                                   int unifiedDiff,
                                   boolean ignoreWhitespaceChanges,
                                   boolean ignoreWhitespace,
                                   boolean ignoreLineEndings,
                                   java.lang.String stream,
                                   java.lang.String parentStream)
        Explicit-value constructor.
        quiet - quiet
        includeNonTextDiffs - includeNonTextDiffs
        gnuDiffs - gnuDiffs
        rcsDiffs - rcsDiffs
        diffContext - diffContext
        summaryDiff - summaryDiff
        unifiedDiff - unifiedDiff
        ignoreWhitespaceChanges - ignoreWhitespaceChanges
        ignoreWhitespace - ignoreWhitespace
        ignoreLineEndings - ignoreLineEndings
        stream - stream
        parentStream - parentStream
    • Method Detail

      • processOptions

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> processOptions​(IServer server)
                                                        throws OptionsException
        Description copied from class: Options
        Turn this (specific) options object into a list of strings to be sent to the Perforce server as options for a specific command. As a side effect, set the option list associated with this Option to the result.

        The method is used by the server object to generate the string-based arguments expected by the Perforce server corresponding to the state of this method-specific options object. Will return an empty list if there are no "interesting" options set or available. May simply return the superclass options string list if is non-null, but that behaviour is neither guaranteed nor required.

        Note that this method is not intended to be called directly by users but by the underlying P4Java plumbing; odd results may occur if this method is called in other contexts.

        Specified by:
        processOptions in class Options
        server - possibly-null IServer representing the Perforce server the options are to be used against. If this parameter is null, it is acceptable to throw an OptionsException, but it is also possible to ignore it and do the best you can with what you've got...
        non-null (but possibly empty) string list representing the normalized Perforce server arguments corresponding to the state of this specific options object.
        OptionsException - if an error occurs in options processing that is not some species of ConnectionException, RequestException, AccessException, etc.
        See Also:
      • isOutputDifferFilesOnly

        public boolean isOutputDifferFilesOnly()
      • setOutputDifferFilesOnly

        public GetFileDiffsOptions setOutputDifferFilesOnly​(boolean outputDifferFilesOnly)
      • isQuiet

        public boolean isQuiet()
      • isIncludeNonTextDiffs

        public boolean isIncludeNonTextDiffs()
      • setIncludeNonTextDiffs

        public GetFileDiffsOptions setIncludeNonTextDiffs​(boolean includeNonTextDiffs)
      • isGnuDiffs

        public boolean isGnuDiffs()
      • isRcsDiffs

        public boolean isRcsDiffs()
      • getDiffContext

        public int getDiffContext()
      • isSummaryDiff

        public boolean isSummaryDiff()
      • isUnifiedDiff

        public int isUnifiedDiff()
      • isIgnoreWhitespaceChanges

        public boolean isIgnoreWhitespaceChanges()
      • isIgnoreWhitespace

        public boolean isIgnoreWhitespace()
      • isIgnoreLineEndings

        public boolean isIgnoreLineEndings()
      • getStream

        public java.lang.String getStream()
      • getParentStream

        public java.lang.String getParentStream()
      • setParentStream

        public GetFileDiffsOptions setParentStream​(java.lang.String parentStream)